
Hate that speech too (except the part where Meryl says it and her hair looks awesome and it is wonderful etc) and the same idea spouted from people who love fashion and neeeeeed to be intellectually validated about it. Those designers who “originate” cerulean sweaters or whatever usually saw something like it on the

Also, like, you never have to tell anyone your last name when you’re world famous..

That’s how I read it, as good ally-ship. I think her acceptance of the blame was as good as could be hoped for from someone who clearly has no time for the impractical notion of blame and probably isn’t thinking about governing from a sense of personal responsibility. I was more impressed than I expected to be.

I am interested more in what she did say than her lack of brunt-bearing for her “family’s” part in these failed legislative monstrosities. How could she have answered that? They’re not some generational dynasty, as much as all America super duper bad wants them to be. She’s married to the former President, and while

Imagine how wonderfully different worldwide society would be if every child could be born to parents (any kind of parent or parents) who truly, deeply wanted to have a child. If childbirth were completely and entirely elective, no accidents or inconveniences.

We have the knowledge and technology to achieve this

Governmental control and State’s Rights to do precisely what, remind me?

But obviously she or Jorah have no idea of that likelihood. I’m questioning why she’s so in awe of this “gift.” She couldn’t possibly think it’s all that valuable to her, as she wouldn’t want to torture him and he has very little ransom value (as far as she knows.)

Is she supposed to ransom him to the Lannisters in exchange for the Seven Kingdoms?

All truths, and thus this commentator is correct about it not being the best option for fantasy fans. GoT is a human story, and the majority of the characters have no contact with any fantasy element. It’s sort of why it makes it an amazing fantasy series, though, but it mirrors our own perception of reality and the

Sansa’s sortof using every card she has already to get freed. Theon, as far as she knows, was certainly her best bet. His transformation is incomprehensible to her. She also is maintaining a sick backbone in her sassy replies to Ramsay, more really than she ever did with Joffrey. She also stole that weapon, as you

She isn’t some idiot, but she’s definitely a reactionary who has never shown herself to have great foresight or a mind for maintenance in the show. She’s blindsided by the slavers regaining power in Yunkai, for instance, and she answers it with blood. She had no notion that it would actually be difficult to completely

The qualifier of slavery is bondage, not payment. Slaves were/are often paid, however meager the amount.

In my view, you (viewer) are meant to wonder if it’s the broken tower he’s climbing as he mounts the stairs, but I registered no surprise from Theon when he opens the door to Ramsay’s chamber. Beforehand, he had glanced at the Broken Tower while walking nowhere near it. Not to mention that it would be rather

Fair point, there just isn’t enough buggery at the wall.

I see what you’re saying with the belief that it needn’t be portrayed on screen as it has been, but it’s therefore worth noting that it hasn’t literally been portrayed on screen.

I also don’t buy that in this probably-fictitious scenario, the wife never has say in how much of the bonus is hers and how much is his. It’s probably agreed upon, which is no less than the situation of everyone here saying their family *views* their single income as “ours.” Unless you have a contract saying

Can’t it just be a budget? It sounds a lot like a budget to me, considering I don’t buy for a minute that there are a ton of women getting bonuses that are actually contingent on being good wives.

It’s very odd that Apple invested so much time and promo into something that - best case scenario - will never ever rival their other products in sales, and realistically won’t come close. I feel like Sir Jonny Ive has had a wild hair to design a watch for years and finally has the power to do so.

The best thing I’ve

I know somebody who read a theory that Tyrion is supposed to be the third dragon rider but I can’t remember the rationale for that, except for the fact that he’s supposed to be blonde too in the books (and is in the first episode.)

Your daughter probably doesn’t view nudity as weird and uncomfortable.