
they’re likely maintained our of their own pockets instead of tax dollars. people who live out in the boonies know they’re going to have to maintain their own road, (call in a neighbor with their grader, and a dump truck load of gravel...) its one thing for some lone truck to come thru every once in a while, but when

Ooh, I hadn’t realized they were just saying they’d refuse more free products from Coke. That’s particularly funny. They’re boycotting by asking Coke to spend less money on them.  ;-)

It seems that the main thrust of Chuavin’s defense is “I killed this guy because all these people were distracting me by screamingplease do not kill this guy.'"

This piece would’ve been a lot better if it hadn’t been kicked off with ageism. I know you think it’s cute but it’s still bigotry. Just because someone is old doesn’t mean they are senile.

I came here to say the same, thanks for saving many letter typing on my KB.

Earn $1,000 to Watch the First Five Seasons of ‘Friends’

People can be incredibly pushy about it. Luckily, my family and friends were all respectful of our wishes, but I have witnessed some incredible displays of disregard for a new parent’s boundaries or wishes immediately after a baby is born. In one case, a friend who lived across the country from her in-laws (and her

Abby Normal?

I was getting a new dishwasher installed yesterday and my power blew. Box is almost 40 years old and they no longer make replacement parts. I totally spaced on the fast food thing because my mind has been elsewhere! But, for the record, the answer is McNuggets. Think everyone who reads my stuff regularly already knew

“I can’t believe you didn’t buy a Mercedes-Benz.”

I have a friend who got an amazing deal on a huge tool chest on wheels, the kind with drawers, in a silver colour, that she turned into her kitchen island. That thing holds an amazing amount of stuff, including all her cast iron in deep drawers. It’s been several years and the chest still looks and operates perfectly.

I’m so proud of Hyundai. In a short period of time they went from being the brand known for cheap cars and long warranties to taking Ferrari on at their own game. This is the kind of success story they’ll be teaching in business classes for decades.

Condolences on the loss.

This is what has to be done.

Only Phillip’s gets to do that!

So you’re saying that despite what 23andMe told me, I’m not likely to develop superpowers?

Second rule: Clean the damned car off. Completely.

Fair, thank you for the edification!

Same way:  with lemon butter. Although it tends to make your underwear slippery.