
hey, i had no idea of this “no churn” concept. so i went looking and... yeah, thanks! 


LOL that is still to this day probably the funniest Amazon review list to read. But only kind of partially true, as someone who is diabetic and switched to sugar free candies from time to time, the reviews on there are partially true. The ingredient used can make your asshole explode, but it’s only temporary. As in if

Kinda irresponsible to use burger patties for the article pic when the cause is unknown.

Actually not even repurposed, just covered with a thin (wallpaper thickness) layer of “acceptance” so the church could pull in the “heathens” that were formerly non-christian)..

Always makes me happy when people point this out around the holidays.

Now playing

I want to add “Santa’s Slay” to the list. Goldberg the Wrestler is Santa, who as Satan’s kid was beaten by an Angel in a curling match and force to deliver gifts for 1,000 years, but now his time is up.

Sure, but this was in New York,  which hasn't seceded yet.

“Aright, Twinkles, do like we talked about and just run right at the cat. Try purring!”

A man of culture, I see. *tips fedora*

Not sure where you live. In the US, 57.5% of the populated is vaccinated. Not sure why you would use “eligible for vaccination” instead of the true vaccination rate.


Another lingering thread left to be pulled at” + inline photo = grossed-out smirk

You know, I never really thought about it that way. But yeah, masks do function as an outward-facing I’m-An-Asshole sign. Excellent social observation, good sir!

But I’ve already dressed mine in old lace....

Yes, you are correct. The Root's version of the story is foreign to me.

Also, be careful walking your dogs on hot pavement which can burn their pads. If you can’t walk comfortably on the surface barefoot, neither can your pooch! Walk them on grassy areas instead or train them to wear boots to insulate them from that scorching sidewalk!

Thank you for saying this. The self-centeredness about this handicapped parking thing been disheartening, so I appreciate you saying that. I’m disabled and rely on a rolling walker everywhere I go (never very far), and I *still* have people questioning me sometimes for parking in a handicapped spot (even though I have

Thank you for saying this in a much more polite way than I was about to.