
My thoughts exactly. While pizza’s delicious hot, cold pizza at breakfast is its own distinctly excellent beast.

“Honest, I thought they wanted to put a bottle in front of me...

Sure, Jan.

I was wondering about HR1 and I’m glad to see it back

Spot on Bill.  I hate the term Obamacare.  It was crafted by insurance company lobbyists and not what he set out to do.  ACA is even easier to say.  It is far from perfect, it is just a start.  Universal Medicare is what is needed. 

A ruthless governor (Bill Moseley) lets him out though when the governor’s daughter Bernice (Sofia Boutella) is kidnapped. Hero must venture into a haunted, dangerous wasteland to find her and win his freedom before a deadly bomb suit the governor made him wear goes off.

So it's to the org specifically. That makes sense and I probably should have assumed that. Thanks.

Thanks so much for this Info. Seriously.

Frankly, I don’t see any point in listening to music performed by other people who can’t sing.

I learned about it at a young age for the same reasons. My grandmother was a work camp survivor and was non-Jewish. My step-grandfather was Prussian and he was forced to fight for Germany. She never really wanted to talk about it and when I asked him about the camps, he said he didn’t know anything because he was on

That’s a great point. I will edit the post to make that clearer. Thank you!

Dear Diary, today I purchased a new car! It’s completely automated and even came with a helpful little mascot called Clippy! He asks me cute questions like if he can help me choose a destination! I love it!

Soylent Vans are People!!

She charged the batteries last night pre-flight
Zero hour nine A.M.

Fortunately, he survived

Did you actually try this with a wrap? It’s terrible advice.

Not long. I was so ashamed. 

Gigantic pain in the ass, that style. 

I’m looking at what I think is the road on google maps right now. That looks awesome, and definitely added to my list. Thank you for the recommendation!

Motherfucker, PLEASE. The book isn’t anti-autonomous cars at all. I fucking WISH writing anti-Tesla articles made one tiny bit of difference on book sales. It doesn’t. And I’m not anti-Tesla. But if this is your reaction to this story, perhaps you should seek out your clergyperson or a trusted relative. Maybe a