
They did have save states like that on the PSPgo actually, you could pause a game, then go listen to music or watch a movie or make a skype call, then go back later at the exact moment.

@Stymie99: I'll give them that, but I don't think they would lose much by leaving, especially if they spent their marketing money in Japan on the other two territories. They'll never make their money back in that market.

@krammaii: Pretty sure that people buy the best product for them instead of just Japanese products. People in Japan don't buy 360s because they had a bad reputation with the RROD and they were too shooter centered for it to keep the interest of the average Japanese gamer. If there were games that Japanese people were

That is spectacular news, I will certainly buy this game for my PS3, you'd be an idiot not to if you have the choice between PS3 and 360. If this means that other Valve games will go the same way in the future, then I'll start grabbing more, also imagine if third parties were able to do that too.

Here comes fanboy comment

@Neige: I don't know why but Amazon US won't ship games to Canada, or at least it hasn't when I've tried in the past... even this week I tried to order the digital copy of Mass Effect 2 and they said downloads are only available for U.S. customers (I'm sure that has something different to do with it though). Oddly

@Neige: Like every gaming store in Canada. Including Wal-Mart and I had to order a game from the UK to get a cheap copy of Birth By Sleep.

I wonder if I did this I'd free up some of my ram from spybots and be able to read 200% faster.

@apollosrequiem: I'll give you that, he's not like Daniel Day Lewis who changes like a chameleon, but I guess you have to sacrifice a bit of that for physicality. After watching King Kong actually I would think that MAYBE Adrien Brody could do Drake Justice, but whatever happens, it'll be weird without the voice of

I love steam, I just bought a new laptop, and made sure it had gaming chops to play new games on it before I bought so I could take advantage of the amazing deals on Steam. I'm also a huge PSP gamer, and it seems like the gaming companies are starting to catch on with these deals, like picking up Valkyria Chronicles

@apollosrequiem: He is pretty good in certain roles, like in the departed when he was nominated for an oscar. The other guys was really good too, mind you, I heard Max Payne was crap, but usually it's the director's fault. This guy, Russell has worked with him before and probably knows how to get what he wants out of

That's kind of a deal breaker for me, on my PSP I import a lot of games, or buy them from europe, because you can get great deals (unlike in Canada). I hope the PSP2 has no game coding on it. (like the PSP and PS3 now).

they should drop the price of LittleBigPlanet PSP to 9.99, then I could take advantage of all these dlc deals.

@kenpojujitsu3: Well, I'm from Canada, here where I'm living my internet is cap free (in Russia), but in Canada the biggest amount you can get per month is 60 gigs from the major providers. So downloading even a 33 gig file eats up alot. Now there are games that clocked in at 50 gigs with the uncompressed music and

They did the same thing with the Prince of Persia collection, I saw the box while I was travelling in France, they really have to get some decent artists in the marketing department, instead of just marketing psychologists who make a box with tomb raider on it so many times that you're assaulted with it.

Boo to pirates, but they still have to get over the fact that ripping a game like uncharted 2, or MGS4, or any other exclusives (i.e. the best games on the system) is going to eat up about 50 gigs of hard-drive, and 50 gigs of bandwidth. At that point it seems like an easier solution to just buy the games.

@tetracycloide: Once again you haven't qualified your argument with any actual evidence, or even an opposing viewpoint, just given a foot note. You said

@Chad_Sexington: They don't have to pay 60$ for a game, they can get it used, or rent it, or borrow it from a friend. You're using your feelings try and convey everyone else's feelings about piracy, and that's not quite right either is it?

@Tweeg: I never said that 100% of people pirate games when they can, but I can guarantee that out of the 100% of people that pirate games if they couldn't pirate them, they would buy more. Isn't that the same as taking money away from the developers especially when their products are being enjoyed without their

@tetracycloide: So by calling me an idiot, have you added anything? Of course not, evaluating a grey area, alright, how so? Would I be upset for the homebrew community that they couldn't run Linux on their PS3's anymore?