
Amazing huh? Luke just took away my star, what a disgrace.


Luke has no sources, he does source the 10 million number, but this was news 24 hours ago, and he leaves out key facts, and did link the first link to this story

He also just changed the link he made to begin with, it's now not linking to that other story, I guess he's getting his credibility with the update post button?

Well that's the point of Real Journalism, the rules that guide it are supposed to prevent bias, I guess bloggers don't have such rules.

They also lean on their journalism "ethics" when companies like Apple want their iphones back.

I got that e-mail too, and I just looked over it again and they didn't say to cancel the card and he doesn't link to a source saying what he described, he links to a story saying how much banks will have to pay to replace credit cards. This is not journalism. It's like if I tell you "breaking news, Reggie Fils-Amie is

What a disgrace, This conference happened 24 hours ago, saying that these credit cards were encrypted and that there's no evidence that they were taken, and then a full 24 hours later, this bull story comes out based on no actual facts. The company didn't tell people to cancel their cards either! You link to a story

I find it amazing that there are all these people who say they'll sell their PS3 as soon as they can. There was a problem, they've been working to try and fix it and even give free stuff to people who paid nothing for the service to begin with. There is also no proof to say that the Credit Card information was stolen

You're using a lot of conjecture here man, what evidence do we have the Sony had made a HUGE mistake or was negligent? It happened, that doesn't mean that they were negligent, even if that makes for a better click through rate for you. It's just bad journalism.

That's bull, they also say that they have the passwords for those user's e-mail accounts, something which Sony never had or asked for.

Yeah I guess they made it a little more accessible and that makes sense, especially now that it's a HUGE push. It's fun, but I would have been happier if it was a little longer, or harder. But hey, what can ya do eh? Maybe I'll trade it in (even though I NEVER do that) and get Killzone 3 or something.

Well I guess that's why I would say wait for the price drop before you grab this one. It was great, but as an "experience" I wouldn't rate it up there, and there were no parts where I felt I was really working to get something or biting my teeth to hope a solution worked for a puzzle before my character dies. Still

OH yeah, I did see those things and really it gave a lot of personality to the game, I'm not saying it wasn't good but just that my money could have been a little better spent. Like Uncharted 2 I sat down and finished that game from start to finish in two days (just like portal 2 actually, I'm at home with a cracked

I never went to video walkthrough for the whole game and I still found it short.

What were these little things sprinkled that you assume I missed? I just didn't find the puzzles that tough, I think the puzzles in the first game were way tougher, but that could have just been the newness of the portal mechanic.

I got the PS3 version for a birthday gift, and I didn't look at any "fucking guides" as you so eloquently put it, but I did time myself at about 6 hours including deaths and videos, I just didn't find many puzzles were that challenging, and the final boss was way easier than the one in the first game, nice ending

it took your reviewer a little over nine hours? it took me less than six, with the videos included. :S. It was ok, but I don't think it was worth the 60 bucks, I would wait for a price drop.

eh, could be that, but his credit card number could have been taken by anyone really, not saying that it wasn't from PSN, but unless you're seeing HUGE numbers of people who all had PSN credit cards then the correlation is a little low.

Worse than the RROD? It still sucks, but I think they're pretty much on par now.