
I doubt they were cutting corners in that way, it would just be bad business. They need to be found innocent on this account because if they don't they're going to lose the confidence of every PS3 and PSP gamer, as a company, I don't think Sony would risk that especially not worldwide.

more like the U.S. likes to get lobbied and never fine big companies for being negligent.

also... friend codes... UGH. I'm sure the NGP one will be better anyways

Monster Hunter is a Capcom game man, and if this new Nintendo Console is an HD one it will be released on the other platforms as well. It doesn't make this new console unique at all.

Did have a little bit to do that the dreamcast was a little outdated in comparison to the ps2 as well. there is a big difference between its hardware and the PS2's. The big hardware problem was the lack of a DVD player. Because they jumped the gun it made it easier for people to rip off games and also made it more

Crazy Theory no.3432343

Well that's the thing, if they don't have something that is significantly more powerful than the PS3 and the 360 it'll be leapfrogged by their new systems. They could even launch at the same price and still just with the regular progression of chipsets be twice as powerful. I just don't see how they'll be able to win

still could launch at 250 though. Considering it's now 299 for a ps3 with the expensive cell processor. Who knows. But if it's 150-200 ahead of the xbox or ps3 expense wise for pretty much the same thing graphics wise it won't sell.

Reminds me a bit of the Dreamcast tech wise. It was amazing when it was released but it was destroyed by the power of the PS2 and the Xbox. This might be what happens, maybe not though, who knows! I'm more interested in Portable gaming right now actually, the NGP specifically, but really, if uninteresting people keep

better be cheap, and significantly powerful, but if they don't have some new kind of storage medium (like using Blu-ray) they aren't really going to do so well graphics wise.


That's horrible... Sorry to hear that man, hopefully the police will do their job and you'll get it all back. Good that everyone is safe though.

Reminds me a lot of what the NGP will be like. Hmm. Also, I don't want to buy game controllers with HD screens on them, controllers are expensive enough as it is, if they think this will sell they're crazy.

That sounds pretty powerful, but then again, it's strange because there aren't really any franchises that are Nintendo centered that I want, and really if I did want to play a nintendo game I could just dig out my old gamecube. They'll have all the old multiplats yeah, but jeeze, Zelda just doesn't excite me like it

yeah, really I was surprised it was that cheap... never seen it that low! I bought my 8 gig for about 60 dollars two or three years back. Get it before it goes away, never know how long the Amazon deals go on for!

Make an NGP with that form factor! (when you get your overheating chipset figured out...) because it does make a lot of sense for someone who travels a lot like myself. I never bought the Go though, spending 199-250 on that is just money I can spend on the NGP, especially considering I already have a memory stick on

ahh, boo, I satiated my desires for a PSPgo with an 8 gig memory card, there is a deal on right now actually, with a 4g card for 6.99! (down from 44!) the 8 gig is 27.99 that could hold you over I think.

Hey, thanks. looks like a decent site, i'll bookmark it.

just under 800 megs, and the future proof version is always the way to go, not like you're losing any money that way anyways.

I guess I can try the Bios thing, because mine is a lot lower than normal, when I was in dorm when I would try to show my friends a movie most of the time we could barely hear, when we switched it back to another laptop is was much easier to hear. It should be easier though, I've already been in the BIOS, because they