
Having read the whole article and them saying "this will not allow Piracy" this still is going to encourage piracy. You can do whatever you want with your machine (I live in a country where it's allowed to mod your console, just like your car because you own it). But I'm not in favour of the hacking of consoles,

PSPgo beats the 360 for the week, that's not that common, and kind of embarrassing actually.

Mario Galaxy 2 perhaps? Maybe... perhaps it isn't innovative, but then again, Mario hasn't been that way in a while. Strange that it's not getting any recognition from anyone lately.

So I'm supposed to feel nauseous because I need some shutter glasses for it to be 3D right? Wow my eyes hurt.

@Firescorpio1: well if it can play original playstation games, psp games, playstation minis, and Android games, it has a better library than the iphone does, I don't think that it'll be a killer, but you never know, it will be decent for those who don't want more than once device in their pocket, Personally I want

Looks decent, but I still want a stand alone device... though it's smart for them to do this, they could at least eat away a bit at Apple's Market share.

That's not really a surprise, I'll be interested to see what this does to PS3 sales though, if it can compete with the madness that is Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, they're probably their own enemy this week.

I'm a support the Devs guys, so they can continue to keep making those games I like. It allows me to vote with my wallet a little bit which is nice, it also allows me not to pay devs or companys that I dislike (Activision)

From Billy Bob Thorton, who has done some pretty cool movies, but is a total asshole. And I mean total. He was on a radio show in Canada called Q and the announcer said that, "Billy Bob Thorton is here, with his band, ofcourse everyone knows him from his acting career" Then he flips out, and insults not only the

@Laurent_Wolf: Yeah, right now it's 15 bucks, but I'm sure if I wait a month it will be incredibly cheap if I keep my eyes open. The real reason I hadn't played it is because I didn't really have a decent rig, but now I got a pretty decent laptop (about the power of an Alienware Mx11, but cheaper and bigger) so I'm

I never tried the first one though it always interested me, perhaps if they have a decent sale on the first one for the Steam Holiday sale.

@IMD1: all the psn deals always are, I don't know about the Xbox Live ones.

I always thought it looked good actually. I mean what are fans expecting? There should be great fight scenes with Kato, and that's really all that was good about the original show.

pspgo outsold the 360 this week, ouch man.

@mdrevel: pretty sure most people lack a sense of humour when you're making fun of people who are dying fighting a war with you. Saying that U.S. troops have sacrificed more than other countries is really insensitive too. I have a member of my family in Afghanistan right now actually, and my father buys the medical

60 million units is hardly doomed from the start, the real problem was the piracy, the games on the system are excellent, and I've probably bought more games on it this year than any other console. I just hope the PSP2 has some decent anti-piracy limitations so that the third party support doesn't dry up so much.

@mdrevel: except for the 5 thousand troops in Afghanistan I assume?

@HobbitGamer: lol wow that is pretty funny when you think about it.

I think I have most of the titles on this list, really my PSP has gotten the most play time out of me than anything in the last few years, with PSone classics, and then the new Metal Gear, God of war (playing now) Kingdom hearts, and P3P, I spend most of my gaming budget on PSP titles, and I love it.

@JaseDH: Actually it's not because the only time he is in the same scene as his brother is in Ghost of Sparta.