
@ri59: Or don't and let everyone die, still a stupid commercial, but it's a little more important than a "I don't want to install more efficient lightbulbs that will save me money on the long run anyways cause I'm lazy." Which is 90% of the reason people don't cut carbon by 10%.

I would buy that particular PSP up there, that's a beautiful concept. I can't wait to see what the PSP2 is all about.

@SageofMusic: 37.9million units worldwide so far for PS3 actually, with 43.5 Million for the 360, including every unit that was repaired and shipped back to consumers meaning a +1 for 360. There is barely any difference in the two, just a big difference in the states, PS3 has outsold 360 in Europe and Japan, even with

@Luke MacDonald: PS2 is an open source console, has been for the last few years actually.

@bslayerw: Imagine a world like that, where everyone is the same, no one is unique, and everyone thinks the same things, because they all consume the same media. I study languages so perhaps i have a different view in the subject, but i think one worldwide homogenized language would be a world not worth living in.

@Eggyhead85: yeah, you're right, the console owners should have them as well, Hell, release it for the Wii and 3DS as well (if it can handle it)

They should re-release these for PSP, I'm sure it wouldn't be that difficult to port.

Had never played either, but sure as hell got these, they're cheaper than buying ff7 on the PSN store for two great games (or so I'm told), interested to play these ones for sure.

@icarus212001: I pick both, because they aren't mutually exclusive, if you want to just play games for entertainment then your welcome to it, but it doesn't mean that games can't say something meaningful or tackle unpopular or controvertial subjects.

What a waste of money, if I was savvy with money I would make a stock bet against Panasonic, because if they launch this they're going to lose money big time. It costs billions to release a handheld, and they'll just be utterly destroyed the second they come up against Nintendo and Sony.

Betcha if Take2 was publishing it they would release it as is. Avoiding controversy is the exact opposite of every artistic medium's aims, and gaming will never evolve or be respected unless the publishers are able to suck up the controversy. What if caving to public pressure they didn't release Guess Who's Coming to

This is kind of strange, I mean it's a good idea in concept, but I think it would be better if Sony or Nintendo implemented this in their next hand held as a bonus, while selling their classic franchises to get gamers into it. I don't think anyone would jump in just on the name of battlestar, despite the show being

Snake could fool em.

@WordMan: Well yeah, considering that the masses don't watch "Nintendo special 3DS Event" news. MTV is just about as low brow as you can get as well, so I expect that.

either 3DS re-hash for the non gaming masses or (and if it's true I'll go CRAZY) a psp2.

@Mackem: At Microsoft Uk there was a harrasment suit with a gay employee it was at Lionhead studios, now owned by Microsoft, this guy was working there for 11 years and it seems just after Microsoft took over they took to calling him "fag boy jim" among other names. Here's the article

It seems like the Japanese MS studio is as sensitive as the British one. Now all they need is for someone in NA MS to either discriminate or fondle someone and they'll be three for three.

@spacemonkey0: I'm waiting for the Oddworld games, they charge 9.99 each for those which is a rip off, because on steam there is a 9.99 bundle for both of them, and they're 5.99 each.

Can't wait to see how this one turns out. I'll be watching this with anticipation, and hoping that PE 1 and 2 are released as PSone classics before this one comes out, because I haven't played any of them yet.