
@Khoi Pham | ph15h: Alpha three is not on the PSone Classics store it came out for PSP, I have it and really never touched it, it didn't "speak" to me. The controls for it I didn't really like. Now King of Fighters (the psone classic) I think it was '99, was quite good.

Interesting that they'd let it slip till 2011, I mean the Holidays in the states and Japan would be the ideal time to launch a handheld to get more ground swell. Not that it won't be a success (a little expensive though). Now I'd like to see what Sony has to offer in their PSP2.

I guess no one here remembers the movie the 13th Floor? If people knew I would insert a "13th Floor joke"

I'm grabbing ghost of sparta for sure, GT5, and a backlog of PSP games, like Persona 3 portable, Valkyria Chronicles 2, and Birth By Sleep (if that backlog drops in price of course).

@realafterglow: little big planet 2 slipped to 2011 sadly....

Gotta say the PS3 wins this one hands down. It's the best value for money, plays games, blu rays 3d ready, streams video, great build quality, and an upgradable hard drive.

I'm loving this game, I've just hit about 16 hours into it, and I'm going back to the old bosses with new weapons and now I can clear them in about 5 minutes each, the hardest parts I thought were the ones where you have to take out a helicopter or tank, and you're best option in these places is to just wait, take out

I've never met Kotick and he doesn't have anything to do with me either, but yet, I still think he's a prick.

Too bad, they could have played monster hunter together...

@LucasReis - LOCK2K: Oh and PS, A silent hill 1,2,3,4 would be freaking amazing on ps3, (charge 45 dollars and make the silent hill 1 just a psn code for the PSone classic.

@LucasReis - LOCK2K: They could have just made it the Mortal Kombat Trilogy and I would have bought that for the same price, I wasn't too interested in the other games. I did realize just how much of a wimp I had become because they were MUCH harder than I remember! Or at least it was much harder than the Genesis

it's also not out yet, and they've only had 14 reviews. It's the same as games, they make contracts that only the good ones come out first. Wait till it releases to see the real tomatoemeter score.

@LucasReis - LOCK2K: HD I can understand, but it's not something I would spend 40 dollars on, it's not worth it. If you want to play the original three you can play midway arcard classics on the PSP for 9.99. I did just a few weeks ago, it's great, and it has gamesharing as well so you can play against a friend with

I'll get the Prince of Persia one for sure, I'd love to see those games in HD to play. But Mortal Kombat? Who needs an old Genesis game in 3D?

I'll be interested when Monster Hunter Portable 3 is released in Japan. I'm sure the PSP will do well that week.

I like the idea that the lead producer has full creative control, games will have more flavor this way, instead of them being designed via committee. Imagine your favorite film with not one Director, but 6 or 7, each making it more homogenized with every concesssion. Many great pieces of art would never be made. Bravo

God of War Ghost of Sparta is pretty much top on my list, because i'm about 4000kms away from my PS3, Birth By Sleep when it's released on PSN, and... I guess GT5 and LBP2 when I'm back. Might actually look into this "Call of Duty" business when I get back too, used though, activision isn't going to get any of my

God of War Ghost of Sparta is pretty much top on my list, because i'm about 4000kms away from my PS3, Birth By Sleep when it's released on PSN, and... I guess GT5 and LBP2 when I'm back. Might actually look into this "Call of Duty" business when I get back too, used though, activision isn't going to get any of my