
This is looking really good.... I hope Sony counters this or they'll be loosing my business.

Who needs real life? I thought that's why people play MMOs... ( I actually can't wait for this game).

@agreeable_panda: I would have liked the save states and the bluetooth in my PSP-3000 for sure. I'm sure they'll implement them into the PSP2.

@Quint Stevenson: but as of yet they have "no plans" to release it digitally, the didn't even release Crisis core on PSN yet. I feel so sorry for those PSPgo adopters....

@xbtran: Well luckily I didn't buy a PSPgo, but I'm travelling abroad and unless I ship the damn thing here (which costs an arm and a leg) I can't play it until I'm back in Canada next year. It would be so easy for them to just put it on PSN, I would be so happy :). I guess I'll put my money towards Ghost of Sparta

I chose the PS3 over the 360 due to the hardware quality, but I think I've enjoyed it for it's exclusives. Their first party developers have really outdone themselves I think, I think they're at par with Nintendo with this regard. Going forward those will be the only exclusives coming out on consoles, I mean why, when

@SG-17: I really liked the PSP syphon filter games, I have the first PSone game off PSN, but the pacing and story from the newer ones I think is much better. I never really grew up with them though, maybe there's a twinge of nostalgia there as well, as there always are with old games...

Pretty simple to know why it isn't just demon's souls two, Sony owns the property fully, so they can't use it. It would be like Sony Santa Montica making "Diety of War" with Gratos the new god of wartime measures, to be released on both platforms.

So, like why is this fake add passed off as the real thing? It's fanmade, is it misleading? Or just a mistake?

@DreamoftheEndless: I never had a Sony platform until my PS3, then a psp which is full of for the most part, my huge collection of psone classics which are EXCELLENT. This is why I love it so much. There are some great PSP games out there too, but most of the time it's the classics I play.

I'm very excited to get a PSP2, I've had my PSP for just around two years and it's my favorite console ever I think. Just really versatile, too bad it's so frustrating sometimes with non digital downloads of Birth By Sleep etc.

What a slap in the face, they better patch that up. I don't have a 360, but that's just harsh. I would be like saying to PS3 owners, "hey, unless you bought the 250 gig hard drive you can't play multiplayer on Uncharted 2". I would be returning that console and fast, for a 100% refund.

@semajaral: It will be on PSN as well, I hear you with the Kingdom Hearts thing, but they were even saying that if you buy it within a certain period off PSN you get all the pre-order stuff as well.

What I would have done is put the original boxart of both games on both sides of the box. That's just me though, I guess if you want you can print out your own copy of the boxart.

I'm sure glad I still have mine, I have the 80 gig backwards compatible one though, not the superior 60. oh well. Most of the ps2 games that I really want to play I already have or they're being remastered.

PSP2 with backwards compatibility to psp, psone, ps2 and dreamcast games. Day one man. Even at $250

I think the best thing about this one was that it was inventive, lots of new types of games, some were great some were not, but they were always doing something different. I love my Dreamcast, if I were home today I would totally turn it on for nostalgia's sake.

I like the whole idea about PSone Classics deals, I probably already have all of them though.

I really enjoyed the first one, it was the most fun I've had in a sandbox in years. I will certainly pick this one up when it becomes available.

I know a lot of people think, hey he's just trying to make money, and that's true, I don't fault him for that, but considering he was lying to his customers, it's no surprise he's getting thrashed. Imagine if you bought your PS3 for that game, already owning a 360? It would upset me for sure.