
I hate you Square Enix. For this and FF8.

Wow, I don't even have a PSPgo, but I'm leaving for a four month semester in the Snowy depths of Russia on Monday and was looking forward to buying this off the network on the 7th. I have a 3000, a laptop, and Media go. That's 40 dollars you won't see from me thank you very much Square Enix.

I sure loved the first one, I'll certainly grab this one when it's out, it's the most fun I've had with an open world game since San Andreas.

Wow, I'm impressed with the power of Plants Vs. Zombies up there. Nice to see a decent game doing well on the platform.

@TheRevanchist2: well yeah, of course, classics all of them. I'm hoping that this game will be good, but really I don't have much incentive to buy, especially with so many other great games coming out around that time. Oh well.

Too bad I won't be playing this game, I would love to but they aren't making a PSP version, and I don't feel like spending the 60 bones on a game that I've already bought a few times (Dark forces 2, Jedi outcast, etc.)

@Jilkon: yeah same... there are actually tons of psp games i'd love to try that i can't find or are for some stupid reason way too expensive for a game that's 3+ years old. It would be an intelligent move for all PSP developers to release their games on PSN, they're sure not making any money off the used market.

If they charged 150 for the PSPgo I would pick one up for sure (even though I already have a PSP). It seems like they really have a problem with pricing these things, first the PS3 then the Go, strange.

That certainly sounds amazing, but I don't think it's practical just yet. I'm interested in seeing those glasses free tvs that are coming out, (with nine perspectives so not everyone has to sit dead center). When those are $1000 I'll bite.

Wow, that actually looks really interesting,

@tracido: Just like how people with R4 chips just back up their own data right? C'mon give it a rest, no one would use that chip for just backing up what they own, and if you think so you're the must be quite naive.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, good luck walking to the bathroom in the dark man.

Wow, this really has me interested in getting a Wii finally, thumbs up Nintendo, thumbs up.

Pretty sure Ozmodchips will be getting a letter in the mail from an electronics company soon. It is a little self limiting these thumb drives though, I mean load MGS4 and Uncharted 2 on your hard-drive and you've eaten up about 100gigs already, I have a 500gig drive in my PS3, but still.

It's Reardon Metal!!!!!!! The Iphone is the new Rail line and it's paved with liquid metal!

@Canon7D-Fanboy:yeah windows 7 64 bit, I haven't had any issues with it today, I updated Java and it seems to be getting along at the moment, but it was strange, even trying to edit pictures it would freeze up. Today though it seems like clear sailing. Strange. Thanks for the info though.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: that's the problem, it didn't come with any windows cds, i made back up dvds, but will that just add everything back on? (it was like 6 disks!)

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Hey, I got that 14 inch Asus that you recommended, it is the best buy for my price range and needs. I'm on it now, but I'm sending it in to be exchanged, it's odd I'm having all these problems with bugs. It glitches while installing things, going on facebook sometimes can make it glitch, and even

@JACrazy: That's a great idea, could use it for those rascally kids, a new Picture in picture I guess.

@Scaramanga: That was Battleship Earth I thought, not Battleship Galactica.