
@Maximus Thunderclap: it's not that it's bad, but the iphone/touch has a much better interface is all. It'll never stack up to the itouch if it doesn't have a touch screen interface.

The photographer wasn't that great in this one either, that picture looks out of focus (cept for the camera that is).

@Edge of Blade: you know, that would work well with Kinect. I'm betting they'll make some kind of ballet game with it too, despite me not being interested in it for gameplay sake it would be really good for sports/dance. The first time I heard of it I thought it was a ripoff (a bit) of Dartfish, which is a sports

What they really need is a decent figure skating game. That game would freaking sell, and make gamers out of all those little girl princesses out there.

Gutenberg should file a patent lawsuit.

Damn. I thought i would be free of my MMO love. I played the hell out of the first campaigns, now I'm getting even more excited for this one. (If they keep the same pricing structure that is). I'm very interested in this title, hopefully I'll have a PC that can play it when it's released.

@Maximus Thunderclap: They need a touch screen to make it a decent internet device so you can type out websites instead of just pushing the x button on the makeshift keyboard they put on screen, and they need it so you can quickly get through your MP3 library. Gameplay wise I don't see it making much of an impact.

I absolutely love my PSP. I'll be excited for the second iteration which I'm sure they'll launch, they can't give up their market share to Nintendo without a fight (they just have to get the piracy problem under control).

What they need is a PSPgo form factor, with better graphics, a second analog, ps2 downloadable games and when you close it up (close the controls that slide out) it becomes a touch phone and MP3 player. I would put 3G on it because most countries now have 3g or 4g networks, and I would have the option to get an

@Spartanical: I just saw that movie yesterday, that's exactly what I thought when I saw this.

I echo most people here on the redesign, it doesn't seem like it was necessary, I actually liked the original cole, and the change in voice also makes it a little odd for me...

@Semertzides777: lol Ahh, Quebec! St. Jean Baptiste! Hope it was a good one. (if I'm correct).

@Semertzides777: lol Saskatchewan didn't have any earthquakes, Ottawa did and I'm from Ottawa, Saskatchewan had floods.

@Semertzides777: Oi, Saskatchewan, tough luck mate, hope everything gets better there soon.

@SkipErnst: you should watch the movie Good Bye Lenin, it's about a family in East Germany. Their mother looses her memory, and she had their money stashed in their furniture when the wall falls. Back then West Germany said for every 2 Eastern German marks, they'll give you one Western German one, only at a set date.

@SkipErnst: Well I wasn't sure if the old money stops being legal tender because in some places when they replace the old bills they become not legal anymore, like a 2 dollar bill here in Canada is no longer legal tender.

@JacquesAss: Well that sucks, I received an American 100 dollar bill as a gift, and haven't spent it for sentimental reasons, it will be sad when it becomes worthless, as good as Monopoly money. :(.

@Alias50: She's the Queen of Canada too, and our head of State, the Governor General is only her representative in Canada when she's away. So... she's a tradition that dates back to the past, and binds us in a way to the British, which isn't a bad thing really. (if you remove BP from that whole business, ugh).

Will the old 100's still be considered legal tender?

@Robert Jeffery M Bates: PSone classics on PSN is such an amazing feature, and considering I never had a Sony Machine before it's a great cheap source of excellent games (and they look amazing on the PSP too!) They're only a fraction of the way through their catalog too, so lots of great titles yet to come. I'm hoping