
I love this post, and I'm excited for Canada Day celebrations here in Ottawa. (I got to see the Queen!).

@Robert Jeffery M Bates: they have it on PSN for 5.99 in NA, it was released on the PSone as well it seems.

Panzer Dragoon would be a nice one to play, considering it's such a revered title and people pay $200 plus online for it.

Well POP has made over 300 million at the box office and I didn't mind it for a popcorn movie, which is really what the games were anyways.

@Muskrat 42: Find me the pictures of police getting beaten instead of them beating protesters then maybe you'd have a point, but as of yet, the only beating being done was of protesters, and in the case up top, journalists as well.

@martinmchendry: Well, luckily Canada has the most inquiries than any other government on the planet. I'm sure that something will come of it. It's sad that happened in London, I would put those cops away for a long, long time.

Now playing

@Muskrat 42: Absolutely there were some violent rioters, but if you looked at what happened the police under responded on the saturday then took no prisoners on the sunday. The violent protesters should be arrested of course, but those who were Larping, or walking their dogs should not have their property seized, and

I'm really upset to what happened in Toronto, the police did totally overstep their bounds. Heads will roll at the Toronto Police Department I bet, and hell, the billion dollars spent on the Security for the summit was as much as the Olympics Security (two weeks worth!).

That is sad, I watched that game, it's the worst way to lose, and he'll never live it down, but his mother?!?! That's just cruel! Nevermind that Japan made it as far as they ever have in the Tournament.

@NorthStar37: true, but the games that you get for free you only rent, and the games that I want to buy are probably way down the line from being free on PS+ and probably won't be discounted either. If it was a flat discount on things then I would be there day one. For instance if they cut 2 dollars from PSone

If they gave me a discount on all PSone titles, I would become a PS+ member in a heartbeat. For the moment I'm not that interested especially the fact that I'm only renting the games not owning them. I already have over 20 PSone titles on the store, and I'm guessing the ones they'll keep giving out for free will be

I would very much enjoy this if it was available in Canada, Hell, I'm ecstatic they're JUST opening the video store on PSN (July 1st). I hope they sell comic books here too...

@adinnieken: Well if you think that then I guess you're entitled to your opinion, but knowing the lead on a sports game like fight night or madden for that matter, I don't think is necessary to getting a star.

@Phoenicks: I just think it's odd that they would choose him as the face of kinect, he doesn't speak to the casual Wii audience that's true, and I'm not sure that he's really a hardcore gaming icon despite the seemingly well crafted games he made before (fight night 3) according to metacritic.

I will never believe what that guy says, not only does he seem to be backpedaling saying that the hardcore should buy it, he just looks like a dirtbag. What has he done in gaming other than making Kinect adventures? A cheap rip-off of Wii shovel ware? (has he made any other games?)

Damn I loved this game, such a classic, and the fact that they set the first part of the game in their city Edmonton was hilarious. It was probably the first time I ever heard of Canada mentioned in a game that wasn't sport/hockey related.

Nudists are cool.

@ibeeis: I didn't know that, I guess it's good enough, but if it was Lighting Eagle? SO much better.

@BigManMalone: Obviously you're living in a dream world Big Man, I've lived in both Russia and the United States and I know - probably a lot more than you do, about the freedoms in Russia and it's policies, considering I have a degree in Russian studies from a Western University, and was born and raised in the West.

@loves2Grind2612: I would! but I'm going to be out of the country for when Move releases, maybe when I'm back.