
Wow, not one Xbox game in the top thirty, that's rough.

that will probably be the first move game I'll grab.

That does look beautiful, you can barely tell the difference between the animation and the gameplay, Marvel or DC needs to do this with one of their properties.

Honestly I had no idea about this Warren Specter guy, he had a familiar name... but he looks like a buddy of Steve Jobs more than a game developer.

Medvedev is a Badass, also the root word of his name Medved means BEAR, can you believe it? I would be like Barack's last name being Eagleton.

I was surprised that the Force Unleashed 2 trailer wasn't added in for best trailer, that clip is amazing.

@Babelfish: What I'm really interested in is whether or not the casual audience is an active or a passive consumer. An active one (like all of us) educate ourselves on the games industry, and what's going on with all the companies, but I'm pretty sure the casual audience has to have word of mouth, personal experience

@Zaph31: The head tracking is something I'm actually worried about implementing as well, because you're staring at a stationary object, if you have to turn your head to see to the left, then will you just have your eyes still aimed at the screen with an interesting inquisitive pose?

@cliffpro: Wow, yeah that would be amazing, move with portal 2, cool!

@Zaph31: The average COD Halo or Gears player is not going to shell out 150 for Kinect adventures, and that is the audience that they've been selling to for the last 5 years, them trying to get the new audience in is a smart idea, but leaving those 40 million gamers with no reason to get this peripheral is I think a

A 150 dollar peripheral for a hardcore game system that doesn't play hardcore games.

Good, I really enjoyed this one, glad that they could make money on a sequel.

They need to make a Green Hornet and Kato game where Green Hornet always gets his ass kicked while Kato takes out everyone.

I'm not so sure if this is in game, it looks a HELL of a lot more advanced than kid icarus does.

That looks pretty impressive, but I'd like to see what happens when it's actually in the 3DS, because the games they showed were no where near that quality. I guess it's because the processor has to render everything twice for the 3D effect to work.

@Cameron Budde: sure man, here you are, I sent it to Kotaku tips for a post on it, but they were not interested it seems.

@quadraphonic: PS3s are making profit at their 299 price point, (on the hardware) I'm sure they can bundle the less complex 360 chipset, with wifi and a laptop harddrive for 199. You're leaving out the blu-ray drive, and the more expensive controller, on the PS3.

if it's 199 with wifi , 120gigs, and an extra 100 for natal I'll grab it for sure, if it's under than hells no.

@blehbleh13: For sure I'll give that to Nintendo, they do use their hardware to the fullest, with taking the same loved franchises and then throwing them some new gameplay and seeing what sticks. Metroid I think is the best in this regard, then Mario. Zelda on the other hand seems a little by the numbers.

@Psudonym: Truly spectacular, they should make your the resident cartoonist.