
It looks good! But after the "epicness" the annoying voice "Pre-order at Gamestop" kind of ruins it.

I have a 500gig PS3, It sucks a bit because the install takes around 80gigs away, so I really have a 420gig (or so) Hard drive. Mind you, I still have 340gigs remaining, something I would love to have PS2 classics on...

What I'd really want to know is how the motherboard holds up. I'm assuming they've fixed it with the re-design. Smart for them to get rid of the Redeye of death as well.

@skitzogreg: Last E3, Jack Trenton said that they were going to have a bigger focus on PSone classics this coming year, "starting with FF7 that is on the Playstation Network starting today "applause!".

It's sad they just pushed it back to coincide with E3, and I will believe that even if they Playstation blog says contrary, because Europe, the wing of PSN that gets the least love had it released less than a week after the Japanese release. But not here, the only reason I could think of is E3.

@konaa: I did not know that actually, thanks for pointing that out, It isn't out on PSN, it would be a good pick up I think.

Now, I might be crazy... but I would add the best reviewed game on the Dreamcast, SoulCaliber.

@timzster: I've bought all the PSP metal gear games including the new peacewalker Limited edition (that I'm not allowed to open until I get a certain task completed argh!). I wasn't too happy with portable ops, but then again, Kojima didn't make that one.

@PS1: I found that is had one of the best stories, and I played the whole series back to back to back for the first time, I guess it was like going through a real journey with Snake and seeing the end of that one was a really great end.

@timzster: I have the same one, the guy at EB games (Gamestop) upsold me to that one, and I'm glad. I bought the Metal gear essentials pack and played through all of them over the span of a few weeks. I loved it, and I'd never owned a Sony Console before. Out of any console I've owned, this is probably my favorite.

Halo 3 has sold 11.01 million units which is crazy sales! But, all those games he mentioned have actually sold 16.89 million units, so... he's talking out of his ass.

I want them Playable on my PSP please, (or PSP2 perhaps). Jet Grind Radio on the bus is a dream of mine.

@ProsumeThis: So I guess they should just build an automated plant in North America instead and then ship them all around the world from here. How about that?

Wow, Dissidia downloaded 5 million times? No wonder why the PSP has no games coming out, even if they had converted half of those pirates to buy they'd be making a mint, and making way more games for the system. My poor PSP, I would never hack you!

I hope their surprise is Half-Life Episode 3. That would be nice.

Wow, this looks pretty excellent, but for some reason I thought when he was speaking it was Jim Cavesel as Scorpion. That would have been a departure for sure.

@Reminisce: I'm not sure it's up on the Euro PSN, but it sure isn't on the North American one yet, they promised it around christmas I think.

@N-Robes: Well then you should go post on the PSP should you buy page that if people want to get a psp now they should grab it because Kotaku says to wait for the next version, which I agree with. I would rather save my $150 now and put it towards the new handheld coming out before march 2011, before the holidays I'm

@Reminisce: hoping for ff9 tomorrow, considering it took so little time for them to release it in Japan then like 6 days later in Europe, I wouldn't hold my breath though, especially considering that after tomorrow their next update is tuesday june 15th, the same date as their E3 press conference. Just like last year

I wouldn't recommend someone buy a handheld like a DS when a 3DS is mere months away, and will be shown next week at E3. Mind you, I've never used a DS, and love my PSP, but I wouldn't recommend anyone buy a psp either, especially with the PSP2 coming soon (hopefully).