
Well, I remember liking the first one. Perhaps Obsidian can work their magic once more.

@bakagaijin: Totally, and me never having a psone when I was younger, it just really becomes an amazing library of deep interesting celebrated games, that are cheap as hell. If Nintendo did the same thing on the 3ds, and released 64 games to play on it (which they should with their virtual console really) I would be

@PS1: Haha! I said the same thing up top! Well done PS1!

They should talk about PSone Classics playable on the psp, that is a HUGE reason I play on mine so often. I agree with most of their stuff though, if there's a new PSP coming down the pipeline, I'd hate to be stuck with the old one. They need to keep it backwards compatible though, (at least with downloadable

@Cellsong: it did, but it was from inside the same room if I remember correctly.

Coming up, the price of mario kart 3ds, 45 million in dev costs, lol.

metal gear and sotc and ico would be buys for me, even though I have a BC PS3, I'd love to see Metal Gear Solid 3 in HD.

I just pre-ordered Metal Gear Solid Peacewalker from EB Games, the special edition, apparently with a special artbook, and for pre-ordering, a bandana too.

I heard there's also a dating game where he can date Major Miller.

@Owosso: yeah you're probably right, he's probably already made profit off the Japanese Launch. I'm very excited for that one though (Peacewalker). I'll agree that the PSP does need more games like this. PSP centric games, and that would probably drum up more sales. Piracy doesn't help though.

Hey guys, could you port Grim Fandango to the PSP? It would be such a great title to bring with you on the go, and hell, the graphics aren't that different from what the PSP is doing now, so they could even get it marketed. I mean, someone ported Myst onto the PSP, I'd rather have an adventure game with a little

@Owosso: I just tried to post my response but lovely Kotaku deleted it, argh!

@PuffyTail: I'm with you PuffyTail, I used to have an assassin who could farm the underworld and tank shiro solo, but I'm betting my build now sucks the big one. I never understood why they kept nerfing skills, it sort of just guaranties everyone will be mediocre at some point.

@Owosso: it's true, it sold over a million copies, and to start out it had one of the harshest DRMs out there.

@bboothy: yeah I don't know about the accent thing, any foreigner from India to ancient Rome has an English accent. I'd love to be there when the Director calls for a more English intonation when the actor is standing over Caesar's/Ghandi's/Trotsky's body.

@SurakshaNewt: Well, you could look at the history of film and see the movies tackling racial issues like the movie Guess who's coming to dinner during the civil rights movement. Obviously there were some problems like 60 years ago, but a talented actor of any race can succeed and be successful, what about Morgan

Well it was kind of funny to hear Nolan North as the Prince in the 2008 Prince game, at least Jake is putting on somewhat of an accent in this one despite it not being Persian.

I loved that game too. Though, I'd like to play it with the Playstation Move upgrade like it was intended to be played, I guess I can this fall right?

@Owosso: I don't understand how you can pirate something out of principle. I mean if you want to not give them your money, you can just not play the game?

@fillerbunny9: Well, it did sell 10 million units in 10 months, so it did have the same sell rate as the PS2 did at the time, which started off pretty damn well. As for more people buying the console when a big game comes out, that happens in Japan all the time.