BmanUltima's car still hasn't been fixed yet, he'll get on it tomorrow, honest.

Yup. The hoses are from older pneumatic sets, and there appears to be a sticker on the battery.

You can buy a caterham for $100?

It’s all standard pieces as far as I can tell.

None. Apart from the stickers, this is all standard Lego parts.

I’ve tried this, but I can’t get so many things to work. Even games that are supposed to support Linux are broken.

Nissan’s competitor for the Prius.

Rollercoaster Tycoon (the OG one) and Civilization III. I played these as a kid, and they’re still very entertaining today.

You can fix that with a mirror.

It’s a 970M, so the OEM puts their own memory configuration on. Nvida just makes the chip without memory.

How’s it false? It was their best selling vehicle for a while, and I don’t think they’ve managed to match the sales numbers again.

Rear seats and a rotary? Do you mean the RX-8?

It took that long for osx to have value over windows.

But really, it’s all cars now.

Meanwhile in Canada, it starts at $45k because of our crappy dollar value right now.

Yet you applaud them for “bravery"

And the rest of you can fuck off with your blind patriotism circle jerk Americanist attitude. Really. It’s disgusting.

This is like my favourite car.