BmanUltima's car still hasn't been fixed yet, he'll get on it tomorrow, honest.


Mostly nuclear

Should it have though?


They’re still NACA ducts. Doesn’t matter which way it’s pointing.

It’s worn, yes. And it’s been 30+ in the past couple days here. No crayon smell.

That’s a pretty general statement. I know mine doesn’t.

Saying that FWD BMWs are OK. It’s like it’s not Jalopnik anymore.

What has Jalopnik become?

Depends on the E39, V8s, yes.

Join Oppo! We don’t bite.

Yeah, no.

I never said that. I said I agree with the statement: “the Apple Watch sucks”.

Well I also agree with John Sculley, in that it lacks much needed features and should be a standalone device. And yeah, not one of Gizmodo’s highlights.

About as tough terrain as the average Wrangler will ever encounter as well.

No, because I agree with the title, despite the fact that it really has nothing to do with the article.

The title.

Well he’s not wrong.

You sure they’re not there to help distribute the chemicals in the chemtrails?

A bad place to park.