“Want a better neighborhood? Move. You don’t have to choose to live in those zip codes,” Scogin wrote,
I assume this cantina won’t have Mos Eisley’s discriminatory “no droids” policy. Say no to hate, Mickey.
This video didn’t do a whole lot for me, but I’ve been amused by the little critiques Blizzard has been covertly inserting into their videos.
Look, if you want to say something in these comments all I ask is that you be respectful to one another. Disagree on whatever points you want but please treat each other decently. (Assholes and transphobes get banned.)
Most of the teriyaki joints I went to in the Seattle area served the chicken and rice with a salad. Macaroni salad as a side is a Hawaiian thing though there are Hawaiian restaurants in Seattle with teriyaki chicken.
The way she says ‘dry, white toast’ always killed me.
He was free to express himself. And he was free to get his ass kicked. The system still works.
Look, if I’d known this punk rock performance might contain disrespectful words directed toward oppressive authority figures, I never would’ve come.
I don’t endorse violence of any kind, but, honestly, if you’re a Trump supporter what the fuck are you doing at a punk rock concert to begin with?
“My dad keeps watching Inglorious Bastards and I swear it’s giving me PTSD. He keeps inviting me to play Wolfenstein and I’m like ‘DAD THIS IS NOT FUNNY THIS IS MY LIFE’”
“I only hope that by me sharing a public apology in this incident you could show me some grace.”
Am I the only one immediately put off by the “for-profit drug and alcohol treatment center”? I am just so much more familiar with and comfortable with an entity like that being non-profit.
So that’s, like, your opinion man. Saying Tibetan Buddhism isn’t Buddhist is like saying Bulgarian Orthodox isn’t Christian. It’s Buddhism. It may not be your cup of Buddhism, but it is Buddhism.
She’s an economics professor. While descending in part from Bulgarians enslaved under Communism makes me naturally sceptical of people thinking they can come up with a better system than capitalism, when I took the required economics course as an US undergraduate I was shocked on how rah-rah pro free-market it was. I…
From what I’ve seen the Metro workers had nothing to do with that. The police did that by themselves.
But notice that his comparison isn’t “because it’s famous to outsiders” but rather “a carb-heavy, meat-unabashed, working person’s lunch.”
I’m fairly certain PNW-style teriyaki is to authentic Japanese cuisine as General Tso’s is to Chinese. It’s its own thing.