
All of these methods are way too much effort. Just smush the old sliver of soap into the top of the new bar before you get out of the shower. By the time you’re ready for your next shower, it’ll have hardened into a new super bar, no C-clamp required. 


Not to toot my own horn but what do you call it when someone organizes the carts in the cart corral? Or returns a cart to the store that’s sitting in the parking lot because I’m, I mean they, are on their way in anyway so what’s the big deal? (I don’t do that right now because of Covid but is walking a loose cart to

I wonder how many DIY projects you have ever done because anyone who knows anything about home repair knows you ALWAYS run into unforeseen situations. Things you cannot foresee until you start tearing up floors or walls. Broken tools, worn out blades etc. I keep a lot of extra stuff in my barn and I still run into

I want to make a Qanon sitcom with a roommate who isn’t about conspiracy theories, and one who is very much in the deep of it to show how they love to leap to the most complex, technology-based answer.

Other than “juvenile delinquency” and “early behavior problems”, the list exactly matches our pathologically lying, racist, dictator-groveling president. As if that outcome is any surprise.

“I’m voting GOP in protest of the failures of Democratic party leadership to get my preferred candidate elected! You should too!”

Learn to say “dobrý den” (sounds like: dough-bree den), which literally means “good day” or simply “hello.” It’s polite, so say it a lot, everywhere, especially when you walk into a store or when someone greets you with it; you’ll immediately be one step ahead of the normal grunting impolite tourist.

Hmmm... still needs to work out a few bugs.  I also think they borrowed code from another app.

An alternate perspective in the interest of sanity:

And then my husband saved the day.