
Referring to those as home improvement shows is like calling The Bachelor a documentary. This Old House is a home improvement show. Property Brothers is fictional entertainment. 

There is company policy, and then there is reality. I was once released from a sales role, and upon my exit I was reminded that I could not keep any customer contacts. However, since my customers were C-level at Fortune 500 companies, we were expected to share our personal mobile number and be available on nights and

A few other factors to consider: For bulbs that are in hard to reach locations, once you switch to LED you’ll probably never have to change it again. For me, that was a much bigger incentive. Also - I was able to add more light fixtures in each room, in an old house with a smaller circuit breaker box, because the

Yeah, this is how those of us with ADHD clean all the time.

Years ago I found a set of double threaded “caps”, except open at both ends. They came in the most common lotion/shampoo threads. You simply thread it onto the empty one, turn it upside down and thread it onto the new one, and overnight the old bottle has pretty much completely drained into the new bottle. Also

The most compelling evidence that the Founding Fathers did not intend this this to be a “Christian Nation” is the fact that the First Amendment directly contradicts the First Commandment. While 1C says “thou shalt have no other god before me”, 1A pretty much says you’re free to worship whoever you want.

Exactly. Even their “easiest” method above is way more complex than it needs to be. New bar, meet old sliver. If you want a super strong bond, scratch the mating surfaces with a scrub brush or anything else you have handy in the shower that abrades. If you’ve ever done pottery, you know how much this strengthens the

Apparently the author of this list is unaware of the movie Limitless (2011)

If you want pro results, take the extra time to prime the patch before painting, otherwise the repair is likely to be obvious when you stand back and look at the whole wall. Spackle and drywall compound are very porous, and are not meant to be painted over without first applying a primer/sealer (although there are

Right. So the IRS will continue to look the other way when billionaires evade paying taxes, but if I sell my old iPhone I’m in their crosshairs. Great.

Nothing screams “desperate for ad revenue” like the slideshow. It’s also a pretty clear indicator that the list was simply cobbled together in an attempt to make a buck, and is not likely to contain much actual useful information #banslideshows

Agree with this. I’ve tried it a few times and (half) jokingly thought to myself it might be more efficient to just build an AI bot that repeats “how does that make you feel?” and “What do you think that means?” over and over.

I like to put them in a bowl labeled “Candy” at the office and let Darwin go to work...

Add a reflective safety vest for changing a tire safely on the side of the road, a cheap yellow rain slicker w/hood, and inexpensive tyvek coveralls (the kind you use for painting) in case you have to crawl under the car in nice clothes. I also keep a pair of hiking boots in the trunk. If you go light on the list

That’s a big nope around here. I had a roomate in college that peed in the shower and it always smelled like pee, especially on a warm day. I dunno, maybe he was just going full uncontrolled firehose and coated every surface, but the smell didn’t go away until he moved out and we scrubbed the shower completely. 

If you had a mudslide across your driveway, would you rather clean it up with paper towels or a hose? This is why I added a bidet/toilet seat combo a few years ago, and I can’t imagine living without one now. Extra bonus during the pandemic - it only takes a dab with about 3 squares of TP to dry off. We buy one Costco

I’d flip the switch on them and tell them that all my time & money is being poured into a sure fire new business idea, teaching bears to use chopsticks. In fact, I’d press them to let me show them how they can triple their money in a short time if they just invest $20k in the idea, but the clock is ticking because

There’s a reason we all cheer when the bully gets beat up in the teen movie. Why we love videos of road rage where the instigator crashes. Watching karma unfold is so very satisfying. Personally, I don’t want him to die. That’d let him off too easy, plus his supporters will no doubt try to make a martyr out of him.

I’ve got 3 Apple devices and lots of photos, so I long ago passed the 200G threshold and pay $10/month for the 2TB plan. My wife is still on the 200G but almost out of space. We share a Spotify account at $10 but only one of us can use it at a time. Moving those alone saves us a little but gives us a lot more. At the

I’m guessing the Venn diagram of those that think 2A allows anyone anywhere to carry at any time, and those that think this kid got what he deserved because he had a gun, is almost a perfect circle.