Absolutely. Hands down. It's amazing how little innovation we've seen since. Although we could argue the Mac was the most revolutionary, the Amiga OS was amazing at multitasking and memory management for it's time, and had a much richer desktop experience. It was also damn reliable - NASA continued to use Amiga's…
I'm a graphic designer and I'm pretty disgusted at the comments made by other designers or designers in training. Are you all scared that people are going to learn your tricks of the trade? That your so called talent isn't going to be considered talent anymore because it can be taught to the masses? All I've read so…
@SAfiftyseven: Computer science is NOT about programming. Believe it or not, there isn't a single required course that teaches programming at my school — they give a couple lectures about the basics, and expect you to pick it up yourself after the first week. Programming is simply a tool for CS in the same way that…