
Absolutely. Hands down. It's amazing how little innovation we've seen since. Although we could argue the Mac was the most revolutionary, the Amiga OS was amazing at multitasking and memory management for it's time, and had a much richer desktop experience. It was also damn reliable - NASA continued to use Amiga's

Deadlines will always be part of a good work/life balance - it should be part of the reward. That's not busy for busy's sake.

You don't have to be original - in fact new ideas rarely make money, it's those who refine and commercialize it that make it. Pick what you like, ideally something that you think isn't being done well enough, then do it better than everyone who's doing it now.

Find a start-up community, see what floats your boat and who you get along with, then ask for a seat. Or build your own rocket! Be prepared to work 24/7 for pennies, on the slim chance you'll get rich on shares. Most of all, enjoy the ride :/