
So weed is illegal, but we're allowed to have a light-saber-like super laser that can sear through human flesh (and innards).

Not gonna lie, that's actually pretty fucking cool. Now I just want like 20 iPads.

@rentahero1: I realized it's subsidized, but most of the major phones coming out are around the same profit margin for their manufacturers. I suppose that was the point I was getting at.

Clearly the only way to settle this is to have Jobs and Zuckerberg fight a cage match.

Or... they realize that when you're in vegas, drunk, gambling, and probably looking for strippers, you don't give a flying fuck what color the carpet is, so they buy the cheapest most ridiculous thing possible.

@JoshUng: This comparison wasn't about phones, and a PMP is a mobile device.

@Spatula: Their products WERE considered overpriced, but as LightPress pointed out, their pricepoints have been dropping over the past few years.

@Spatula: First, why would I have argued that point with expensive ones? That would be stupid.

@WestwoodDenizen: Shit, good point. Just checked out the original and it's spelled that way too. I just assumed it was a typo.

@CoH: Haha I'm not sure. And we actually feed the raccoons, I just think it would be hilarious to watch them run terrified from this thing.

@baneyu: I think you'll find yourself in the minority here. You're basically arguing that something like a Panasonic TV is a total ripoff because you could buy some shitty off-brand one for way cheaper.

@MrHaroHaro: Haha oh I know, I just thought it was funny.

@Grahmo: Hah, funny. Although to be a cube it would have to be exact. But let's not get into math shit. Haha.

Cubical means relating to a cube. Cubicle is what I'm currently sitting in.

Steve Jobs would make an awesome preacher at one of those super churches...

@AithePanda: He wore a T-shirt at the event yesterday, but that's still a pretty funny comparison pic.

@JillianJagan: Yeah, that $99 dollar AppleTV sure is a huge ripoff!

@uroman: Well, really: COME ON YOU SOOOUUUUUNDERS!!!

@capitalsown: Apologies, should have clarified the hipster comment. That was directed at hipsters in general, not at you. I don't even know you, nor do I have any idea whether or not you're a hipster.