
@Nebula Octon: A. The economy crashed during the Bush administration. The president is not responsible for the economy either way. Regardless, it's at least ATTEMPTING to help American citizens. I must have missed your answer on how the war has helped our citizens.

@Nebula Octon: A) The money being spent currently is to help our country and the people who live here. What help did the war that we "won" do?

It's almost like Verizon and AT&T are in on some huge inside joke, just trying to 1-up each other with ridiculous bullshit.

It prints in 3D cause 3D is so super awesome and not a cheesy gimmick at all I love 3D!

I mean, that's kinda cool and all... but why?

@jblues: Which sales number are we even talking about here? Because if you're referring to the 230,000 activations a day... then your argument doesn't really make sense.

@Kaspir: You've said yourself you aren't even familiar with the tea party movement and you're making some pretty bold statements. Why would I even bother?

@Nebula Octon: Haha holy crap you are so out of touch with reality I don't even know where to start.

@arebelyankee: Oh no, I'm sure it's good too... and I wasn't saying anything against their phones, because there are definitely some great Android phones out there. Personally for me, being the IT Manager of an almost exclusively Apple-using company, it wouldn't make much sense to have anything but an iPhone. For

@Kaspir: "Way to thump your chest a bit and act like you have some superiority to others without actually having to say a damn thing."

@jblues: Ohh okay, so let me get this straight... because there are different versions of iOS released on a couple different phones/devices, those don't count?

@Flako_FigZ: I'm half irish, half scottish... I'm just not an anti-immigrant racist fucktard. :D

@rev02: I loled. Even funnier is that the super-conservative crazies call him both a communist and a fascist.

@channellbomb: Eh, I'm only 24... I think that still makes me young people according to marketing. I currently have 3695 items in my purchased playlist (just from iTunes itself, that's not counting the shit from my other iTunes device downloads).

@Kaspir: Um, they call themselves that. The rest of the world just thinks it's a funny innuendo/another way to mock them aside from their fucking ridiculous agenda.

@Nebula Octon: As gpowell1 pointed out, the tea baggers called themselves that before it even became a joke. It makes you look uninformed and indoctrinated to suggest otherwise.

@socaladmin: Actually, his point is completely 100% correct. Disingenuous, possibly... but as I mentioned before, literally every company does that, so claiming that Apple are bad guys for using statistics to make themselves look better is fucking stupid.

@Nebula Octon: Are you new to the internet or something?