
@jayw: You make a good point, sir.

@socaladmin: Wow, apparently you really DO have to put the #sarcasm tag so that people will understand it. How could I forget what he was talking about, it was like 5 lines up from where I was typing that.

Countdown until some crazy tea bagger finds a way to blame this on Obama:

All I got out of this article: COME ON YOU GUNNNNNNNNNERS!!!

Great, now they're paving way for some douchecock indie band to make music that the human ear can't hear.

@JimboLodisC: Blackberry is rapidly losing market share in every single category and is considered a failure by nearly everyone now. I'm assuming your comment was blatant sarcasm?

@arebelyankee: In that same vein of thought though, you could argue that Android is spread across 50 or so devices right now, and individually the iPhone outsells every single one of them. Blah blah lying with statistics, etc. Either company could come up with a variety of stats that would make them look better.

@socaladmin: Seriously, do you people all have a handbook or something? Every Apple post you guys come out of the woodwork spouting the exact same rhetoric, overused phrases, and bullshit. You may make yourself look good in the eyes of other Apple-fanboy-hating-fanboys, but everyone else not drinking your brand of

@JimboLodisC: I've completely forgotten what point you're even trying to prove.

@Flako_FigZ: Haha, I try to avoid those debates but sometimes it's hard when it's something I'm pretty passionate about. Some of my college classmates and I spent a good deal of time working with immigrant day laborers, many of whom were illegal... teaching them English, how to read/write, publishing a local

@coolman13355: Exactly. Companies will use whatever numbers they can to make themselves look better. This is how business works. Welcome to planet earth.

@DaveExile: It's actually almost the exact same thing, just with HD space instead of streaming, and without netflix. The interface is otherwise basically identical... they're just actually going to try and advertise/sell it now.

@Nonmelodic: Sorry, that was meant to be an obvious exaggeration. Either way, if you look at some of the numbers for younger people ... Mac actually does hold about 35% of recent sales to a certain age group.

@Flako_FigZ: Did you? Eh, my brother calls me that all the time anyway (he uses the word "Dylan" like most people use "dude"... I think he's watched Predator WAY too many times).

@Nonmelodic: 2nd paragraph, exactly. Everyone who comments on shit like this should be forced to read the book "How to Lie with Statistics" and realize that EVERY COMPANY DOES THIS.

@JimboLodisC: No, he was never doing anything but comparing the operating system. He never said anything about phones.

@arebelyankee: It's not impossible, but it will only be relevant for the next week or two. Once Android tablets start flooding the market like a plague, those numbers will be counted too.

@Flako_FigZ: Double promoted, because I totally love these awful plays on words.