
Aww c'mon HP... you can't be that desperate. This is silly.

"Why jumping onto the conveyor belt for an x-ray would cross anyone's mind is beyond me."

Those specs aren't even that impressive... and it only gets 7 hours of battery life? It looks great, but no thanks.

@jdawg183: I generally don't sleep well/don't function at all in the morning. But yeah that's rough haha. I'm sorry

@PushingRope: I just got starred yesterday afternoon :P

@CIM: Exactly the point.

It's all good... he'll get what's coming to him when Zuckerberg sues his ass every time he says the word Faceā„¢.

@patranus: Um, hasn't Amazon been doing that since like... forever?

Now add in the graph of how much money App Store developers make in comparison to the Android Market developers per app/purchase, and the above chart will make a LOT more sense.

@Kryptyx: This is sarcasm, yes?

@I Think We're Property: Hah, yeah I was going to say... wouldn't it just be easier to get them with the shears?

@Mark Trbojevic: The Portland Timbers? Haha they've been around for years. They recently won a bid to become an MLS team though, so starting next season they'll be playing with the big boys (and we'll still crush them). They play at PGE Park.

@Sunburn_summer: Exactly. I mean I know I'm spoiled being from the Seattle/Tacoma area (it wouldn't surprise me to know that we have more local microbrews than we have churches), but there's always some good stuff in just about any region/state in the country.

@Mark Trbojevic: Last time I was in Portland, I got jumped, a knife pulled on me, and my life threatened... all because your terrible soccer team couldn't beat us... again. :D

@GordonKane: Any beer served at a sporting event, concert, etc generally has to be served in plastic bottles.

@kobayashimaroon: Well you could, but it would take a while, and he'd probably just laugh at you even if you managed to finish.

To anyone who thinks America doesn't make any good beers... here are some steps to fix your ignorance:

@albiondm: Um... have you ever drank beer other than Bud, Coors, Miller, etc?

@tylerbrainerd: Yeah I'm a huge fan of pages and numbers on Mac, so I have a feeling I'd find them equally useful on iPad. I can't even remember the last time I created a document in Office.