
@MikeofLA: I did. Now listen to the entire thing, you can hear Bieber's voice. Those other people may have made it FIRST... but there is zero doubt that it's him in the background. You can literally hear him say the exact words in the exact melody.

@Nottma: No it's not. LISTEN to the song. Turn it to 7:00 in and you can CLEARLY hear, in Bieber's voice "You smile, I smile" to the exact melody of the original song. The entire thing follows his version exactly. The people claiming to have just recently made this remix are probably lying, but it's certainly not an

@Joe Stoner: I'm thinking they may have added some shit in or slowed it down more than they said, but there is zero doubt that it's Bieber, barring some sort of freakish miracle of sound. You can hear the words, in his voice, to his melody. That's pretty hard to fake?

@PurplePenguin04: It's not. It's definitely his voice, definitely his lyrics, and definitely his melody. Listen closely.

@Robobenito: It's not fake. Turn it to about 7:00 in. You can clearly hear Bieber singing "You smile, I smile", albeit very slowly. It's the exact same words in the exact same melody. Whoever claimed to recently create this may be lying, but there is absolutely 0 doubt that this is at least using the vocals from

@Joe Stoner: No no, the drummer is terrible on his actual songs. I'm saying I saw some performance of his where he randomly ran behind a drum kit and started playing some ridic solo. I just kinda sat there like "wait... whaaaaaa?". Weird.

@alboy2: Fair call. I'm not saying everyone should like him, I'm just saying hating him just because his fans are ... okay well actually go ahead and hate him, cause they really are THAT annoying.

Whoa whoa whoa, slow down. This is not a hoax. I'm listening and you can literally hear "Youuuuu smiiiiiiiiiile, Iiiiiiii smile".

@Denver: My buddy runs IT for a company with hundreds and hundreds of employees, and from what he tells me, about 90% of them now use iPhones/Android phones.

@Geoff: Well that's kind of a buzzkill. It still sounds EXACTLY like his voice though. Weird.

Accidentally hit refresh. Shit. Guess I'll just start from the beginning again. This is seriously AWESOME.

@Joe Stoner: He's actually a pretty damn good singer. You don't get signed off YouTube by Usher unless you've got some pipes. That being said... yeah I don't really get why they autotune the shit out of him either. I guess that's what sells. I've heard him sing acoustic and it sounds 100 times better.

@kazillion: Exactly. The hate is for the fans, not so much for him. Sure, he's extremely poppy, mainstream, whatever... but at least he can actually sing.

@alboy2: His voice has already changed massively. Listen to his first singles (like "One Time") and then listen to some of his newest stuff "Eenie Meanie" ... pardon the spelling if it's off.

That shell is the sweetest looking thing ever.

@Denver: Not certain what the motive is? How about that they make phones that wouldn't have even been that enticing two years ago?

@des.alexandre: Yeah but you don't see your local newspaper writing articles titled "Thousands Dead in Iraq!" only to find out they were talking about goats. That's the kind of ridiculous link-baiting headlines we're all sick of.

@nahde: Did you see that lady walking by? I just wanted to eat her! I've got the hunger, Dee!