
Brilliant. Love Ratatat. Love LP4. Love Drugs (the song, jackasses). Love this video.

@SashaM: True. This just wasn't one of them.

I'm sure it's been said, as EVERYONE can't be completely incompetent... but you guys realize there are THREE kinds of irony right? I don't know if no one paid attention in English class or something, but on half the posts here I'm either seeing people claiming things to be ironic that aren't, or vice versa... go back

@Fourdagon: I guess I had this weird notion that the point of a company was to create products, sell them, and profit, not save the rainforests/whales/3rd world countries and make everyone happy. Hippie.

@Lou Allen UySison: Well the entire 300+ page book about it would be a good place to start. It's a VERY well known thing.

@angstman: Oh. Well... shit, yeah. In that case, sign me up and bring on the whoooooores.

@twothefutureandbeyond: Well 15 years ago, my parents owned a Ford Bronco. It was a piece of crap. Following your logic, I can logically assume that all Ford trucks made today must completely suck.

@Xagest: Haha really? That's actually pretty awesome. I wish I could come to work in a wizard cape.

@chasmdance: There is no possible way that anyone at Apple likes their job. I'm pretty sure all job offers at Apple read like this: "This job sucks. We will pay you no money, belittle you, and beat you if you dissent against the God of silicon valley, Steve Jobs." Clearly, because of this, these numbers cannot be

@twothefutureandbeyond: And I seriously doubt they'd have taken the job in the first place if they didn't know what they were getting themselves into. Do you currently/have you ever/do you even know anyone who work(s) for Apple? No? Odd coincidence.

@leaverus: Best comment I've seen so far, haha. Would you trade your JOB for that though? If so, I heard they're looking for a new guy!

@Jd Ep: Yeah, and I heard the CEO of Google has a flamethrower and a phone to talk to aliens and a flying car with nuclear launch capabilities and has all the air ducts wired with poison gas in case he doesn't like the way a meeting goes and he rides to work on a three tailed magical unicorn from the 9th dimension.

Ahaha. The Apple hate on here is getting to the point of absurdity. "There's no way Steve Jobs has an approval rating that high... it's OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!" Shut up already.

@♫ Realityism ♪♫: Haha, oh I know. I just like making fun of internet explorer. However, I'd thought he was referring to Apple's regular "Software Update" on macs, which just prompts you to install updates (much like Firefox, etc), rather than bugs you to install something. Must be a windows only thing?

@♫ Realityism ♪♫: Wow, that sounds really familiar. I wonder where I've heard that before...

iPhone iPhone trendy liars not cool sluts STDs wah fanboy wah steve jobs is mean wah boring shut up.

@tgbeowulf: That would explain the inconsistencies... but what would the point of the entire movie be then? Man has crazy dream within a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream, the end?

@GizmoTron9000: I definitely agree with the last part of your assessment. I think pretty much everyone can agree on that part, actually.

@ChipT: Right, but the guy he shot in the head was a projection, and so would behave like one. His wife's assertion that they were still in a dream when they returned from limbo was that they were BOTH still in a dream, so if either of them died, they would have disappeared and woken up.