
@Dominik.mj: That's moreso what I was going on. Parts of the movie were obviously reality. The ending part certainly COULD be a dream, and if it were ONLY the end as a dream, then it would still make perfect sense. If the entire thing were, however, the movie (to me) would lose most of its brilliance and creativity.

@Bruce_Wayne: Hah, very clever there. However, I think the idea was just to film it in kind of a dreamlike way, rather than implying that the entire thing itself WAS a dream. As stated before (and a couple new things I stated above in reply to what you said), there are too many inconsistencies with the "real" world

@Bruce_Wayne: If that "reality" had been a dream, then how would she have died? Shouldn't she have woken up? Why would the authorities be after him for killing her if she would have just disappeared and woken up from the dream reality? There would have been no body, no funeral, etc. Again, far too many inconsistencies

@kingcrim84: I kind of like that. However, there would just be too many inconsistencies in the plot if the entire thing had been a dream.

@Bruce_Wayne: While I agree that it's definitely a possibility (although, yes, that's a pretty weak defense of it)... if you look at his past work, Christopher Nolan isn't the kind of director to leave the entire complex plot of the movie hanging on something like "well it works just because it's a dream" and leave

A few reasons why I believe the entire movie cannot have been a dream (according to their explanation of how dreaming works): If the "real" parts of the movie were also a dream in the Nolanized dream world, his actions would have caught the attention of everyone else, who would have been nothing more than his

@Bruce_Wayne: I disagree completely. I think the point of not letting anyone else touch your "token" was to prevent tampering. If using someone else's token didn't work properly, why would he have ever taken it in the first place? That would bring up an entire new set of problems, because it would mean that he already

@meatbag_pussrocket: Haha oh I know. I just figured I'd throw in some of the overused Apple rhetoric to balance out all the "wah wah wah I hate fanboys and all Apple products wah wah" that usually occur on these kind of articles.

@ePrometheus: I wish I could promote comments, because I would promote this. 100% spot on.

@jdale: I do the same thing. It's not a physical object that I carry in dreams, but more a brief series of tests of myself and my surroundings that allow me to determine if I'm awake or asleep. That way, when the shit goes down in my dreams, I'm prepared for it. Haha.

@Pope John Peeps II: I completely agree with your assessment here. However, I think the intentional "wink" at the cheesy cop-out ending was just another Nolanism, not a blunder. Either way though, it was a brilliant film.

@Maave: When in recent history have you ever seen Apple do anything like that though?

Make this work anywhere on any building and it'll be the coolest goddamn thing of all time.

@gotezula: I second this. I take back what I said earlier about my favorite recent Gizmodo comment. This one wins.

This is far too nerdy for me. That being said, I will probably get drunk and be all over this, just like that damn obnoxious vuvuzela app

@somidscr21: He means he's free to get more malware, spyware, adware, etc in one day than I've gotten in 15 years of using macs. Hooray, freeedom! AMERICA, FUCK YEAH.

@Maave: It's actually because Intel hasn't designed chipsets for Mac that support USB 3.0, but let's just go ahead and pretend it's Apple's fault because that'll aggravate the fanboys. Huzzah! Making up facts is fun.

@metronome49: This is the best comment I've seen on Gizmodo in a long time. I just thought you should know. Ballin'

@Eptin: Ahahaha I love that movie. Well played.

@nmalinoski: LOVE that movie. But yeah this did kind of remind me of that a bit. However, once it sets in, I think the guy will look much more normal (or at least that's how it sounded in another article). Either way, absolutely amazing job done by the surgeons.