
I still think FlightTrack is the best app like this available (at least of the 4 or 5 major ones that I've tried so far).

@xd.Balls: If this is true, I could have avoided 800 dollars of charges while living in Australia for a month. Oops.

Was this program designed in like 1995? Good god, that UI is hideous. Does Google just not care at all about aesthetics?

Uhhh... Whaaaaaaaaaaat? I thought I didn't understand how lightning worked before... now I REALLY don't understand.

@Augureone: Clearly you've never been to Australia. I was shocked at some of the shit I saw over there. That being said, I had a great time! :P

My roommate used to have one of these. It was useless crap. People who actually enjoy longboarding will not enjoy this.

@AwokeKnowing: It's not that hard to believe. However, it's impossible to argue in a logical/scientific sense.

@diamonddnice: Huuuge difference between a boxer "practicing" kicks and grappling and the level Anderson is on. He's a Tae Kwon Do black belt, Judo black belt, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt, and yellow in capoeira. He was so dominant at middleweight tha the started fighting up a weight class and still has yet to

@headc4se: Agreed, and likewise. Problem is, theology debates are nearly impossible to keep intellectual, unless you're actually arguing with a scholar of theology. I grew up in private christian/catholic/jesuit schools my entire life and had my share of "intellectual" theological debates that quickly turned into

@diamonddnice: Yeah I mean, in terms of boxing, obviously they're better technical fighters. I'm not sure they'd know what to make of Silva's unorthodox (and that's understatement of the century) technique though. Basically, in terms of standup, you just can't judge Silva by regular standards. Everything about his

@diamonddnice: Yeah the weight thing is the only reason it wouldn't work to me. I don't know though, I've watched too much Silva, so I'm a little biased. His standup style is beyond unconventional. In fact, for the most part, it's downright insane. I have no idea how he never gets hit with any real power. He'll leave

@headc4se: Fair enough. To be honest, there's so many ridiculous theories like this out there now that it's hard to take any of them seriously as a legitimate possibility, but it's interesting nonetheless. That being said, I still believe any and all of them are more likely than "magic". However, I'm not going to

@roberto.recine001: Oh, no I agree that the competition is good. Honestly, without Droid pushing Apple, they wouldn't be making nearly as much progress in terms of what phones can do. With two big competitors like that, it's an almost cold-war-esque technological arms race, which keeps it interesting for the consumer

@AwokeKnowing: There's a massive difference between seeing something and making a deduction based on logical possibilities than simply saying "I don't understand how this works, so it must be magic"

@AwokeKnowing: Hardly. Following logical thought processes, even to an incorrect conclusion is still logical. If God did it, where did God come from? And if something created God, then what created that? Simply saying "Well, God always existed so there's no need to question that" is essentially the same thing as

@headc4se: Would it be close enough to create a big-bang-like reaction though?

@wtimadams: That movie is fuckin sweet. The sequel was even more nuts. And the 3rd movie/actually prequel was equally crazy. Wow I'm a nerd.

Never buying it. Too afraid to wake up with it standing over me, barking EXTERMINATE!

That would actually be an interesting theory... entire universe worth of matter gets sucked into a black hole, condensed into a singularity, and then rapidly expands again? So basically our "big bang" could have really been a "small bang" inside the black hole of another universe... which was created by the black hole

@ochee_: Dammit, I was hoping no one had made an Inception joke yet. Well played :P