
@dfxdeimos: Actually I found it pretty helpful, as I'd never seen it before and am still relatively (last month or so anyway) new.

Glad to see this posted, as I'm (fairly) new and have been slightly puzzled over some of the rules. However, it seems as if even the most concrete of rules are being treated very loosely on a case by case basis, and it's confusing as to how or when certain rules apply. The more longstanding/respected commenters

@ss3: Anyone has a CHANCE to win on any given day. I mean hell, Frankie Edgar somehow beat BJ. That being said, it just won't happen. Anderson looks better and better every fight (aside from the last 2 rounds of the Maia fight). But seriously, I still have that fight on my DVR. Go watch the first 2 and a half rounds

@ss3: I did. However, I don't think he was tired. I think he was more stunned that someone had actually taken him down and hit him, which had never happened to him in the UFC before. Seriously though, I think Silva would destroy Mayweather. Hell, I think GSP probably would too. After watching so much UFC over the past

@kl0an: Yeah. Hopefully next to go after that will be this stupid "internet" fad too. I mean it's clearly dying out and no one wants to use it anymore. It was cute for a while, but I just can't see why anyone would use it or buy music on it.

Yeah, put him in a ring with Anderson Silva and see what happens. Guarantee Mayweather gets KOed in 3 minutes or less.

@Malkyre: After watching Zombieland with the roomie, we came up with an embarrassingly thorough plan for defending against zombie invasion. We may look completely ridiculous now, but on the off chance that the zombie apocalypse DOES happen... well, WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?

About goddamn time. That is all.

@Iowa11: "Go see it when you have four hours free. (the extra hour and a half is for recovery/absorption)" Fact. It took my mind a while to recover from that movie.

@HC: I wouldn't really call that a new design then. It's just a pre-installed bumper? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's a bad idea. I thought you were one of those people who were insisting that Apple somehow put the antenna back inside the phone... you know in the space now being taken up by the bigger

@justinglen: I think the general idea was that T-Mobile would probably come first, as they wouldn't have to COMPLETELY redesign the phone for it to work on their network so it'd be easier to roll them out.

@HC: Yes, it would be a perfect opportunity for them to completely redesign every element of their flagship product and produce 4 million of them in the next 2 months. /sarcasm.

@kbuechner: Except that the sans means it's a sans serif font... not that it's sans comedy. Fail.

I'd prefer the Ron Burgundy version, written in ScotchScotchScotch Extra Bold: PLEASE KEEP THE DOOR CLOSED??? THANK YOU???

@darkgroove: Doesn't screaming "Thank you!" seem rather backwards, even if it's not in caps?

@ChipSuey: Ahaha yes. My buddy sent me that a few weeks ago and although Comic Sans generally drives me as nuts as everyone else, I gained some respect for it that day. Funny shit.

@gotezula: If that were the case, Microsoft would have been bankrupt 5 years ago.

@ITIL_Prince: Fortunately, only 3 people in Senegal have computers, so it would be easy to track them down.

I'm pretty sure I could throw the damn thing against the wall and make a more pleasant sound than that.

@me141: The only thing more hilarious than Apple fanboys who will follow everything Apple does are the Apple-fanboy-hating-fanboys, who will mock anything they say, regardless of whether or not it's based in fact. You made zero arguments as to why the highest ranked smartphone ever made "badly sucks" and instead,