
@roberto.recine001: That's good, because turn by turn nav is about the only thing it does better than an iPhone 4 (not including signal issue)... which is why the Droid X has been lambasted in countless reviews, and the iPhone 4 is the highest ranked smartphone of all time (with the 3Gs tied for second, I might add).

@gotezula: Except for the fact that it was the most successful cell phone launch of all time and Apple reported record earnings and is on pace to top that again next quarter. Wishful thinking on your part doesn't constitute the beginning of the "fall of an empire" on theirs. It would take a LOT more than something of

@Merikov: As I probably should have mentioned, I've seen several people just in the last few days saying they could replicate the Galaxy S issue with just a finger as well. Also, I haven't been able to replicate the "death grip" issue with my own iPhone 4... but that doesn't mean it isn't an issue for other people.

@ChipSuey: Ahahaha. As soon as I saw this article I was hoping to post this, but it looks like someone beat me to the punch. Well done, sir.

@benfreefly: Except for the part where they reimbursed everyone who bought a bumper and gave out free ones to everyone else, costing them 175 million dollars (estimated, anyway).

@destryer: Uh... and the 5 subsequent moon landings after that?

@SAThorn: Understandable, but still ridiculous. The Apple haters are getting more obnoxious than the hardcore fanboys. I guess, if anything, Apple should be flattered that they're so successful that people hate them for no reason and scrutinize their every move.

@tande04: Ahh. That makes more sense then. I'd just looked through their current catalog of Android phones and only saw "Droid" on the Moto ones (aside from Incredible) and was a bit confused. I'd forgotten about the Eris et al.

Pardon the stupid (although obvious) question... but uhhh, what the hell is that?

@tande04: Then how come 3 of the 4 phones called "Droid" are Motorola, and none of the other Android phones on Verizon are called Droid?

@baneyu: I'd rather have a company who does that and actually puts out a good product. #1 and #2 ranked smartphones of all time by CR? Kind of hard to argue with.

@Tetsuooooooo: Except those of us who are Androids. Beep boop beep beep blorp......

@Ryan J Whiteman Nester: Please ignore the fact that I somehow managed to fit "that being said" into that comment not once, but twice. Fail.

@Ryan J Whiteman Nester: I only know three people with Droids, and all of them complain about dropped calls. That being said, my comment was more a dig at the response to the Apple antenna issue.

Motorola's response to new Droid screen issues: These aren't the Droids you're looking for.

@Ryan J Whiteman Nester: Ahh. So following that logic: since I don't have the iPhone reception problem, that means no one does. Case closed.

@Marc Rajs: Maybe my dad got a defective one? I called him from the land line at work the other day and his Droid dropped the call 3 times in about ten minutes (and has done so repeatedly since then). Some of the time I can't hear him, some of the time he can't hear me, sometimes it just drops off completely. We live

Cue forty thousand news/blog articles in the next few weeks, freaking out about how Motorola are liars and cheats and how they duped their customers, as well as demanding for an immediate press conference and recall. Wait, wait... this isn't Apple. Cue this story blowing over in 2 days and no one caring. Oh, wonderful