
When it drops a call (just like the original Droid)... is it going to go "shihaheiaheihoiaeh YAAAAAOOOOOOHHHHH!!!" and fall over, shooting out electricity? That would be a major selling point for me. Does it come with Jawa proof coating?

Or you could just look at your monthly water bill like a normal person.

I'm half surprised BP's response wasn't more along the lines of: "Well because our iPhone 4 kept losing signal, we couldn't upload the REAL image, so we used this one instead. This is Apple's fault. We would have used the regular computer, but Lindsay Lohan got blow in the keyboards and they were all broken. We tried

Where are all the articles about the ridiculous death-grip issue with the new Samsung Galaxy S, which is supposedly even worse than the iPhone 4? Oh wait... no one cares about Samsung. If it won't bring in page views and ad revenue, then it must not be news!

@Peter Shultz: That's including all the people with the iPhone4 who are INTENTIONALLY making their calls drop just to test out the death grip issue.

@Xeno: Okay, bad analogy. I was referring to the two in terms of quality, not quantity.

@twophrasebark: So the fact that several phones from different manufacturers come with warning labels/stickers that basically say "Don't hold your phone here or you'll lose signal" is probably all part of the conspiracy, right?

@vein11: True (although I have yet to experience that) but that doesn't mean that their phones don't do the same thing. Hell, several Nokia phones even come with warning labels/stickers that basically say "Don't hold your phone here or your shit won't work". Loose paraphrase, of course :D.

@Kints: Uhh, except those other phones DO have the same problem. Toyota was the only manufacturer suffering from the brake issue (and when I say Toyota, I'm including their affiliates like Lexus, etc). Many of the other phones he mentioned even come with stickers on them saying "Hey idiot, don't touch the phone here

@ortizlgnd4: Just making sure we're still talking about reality here, and not what people WISH would happen. The iPhone 4 could have had no ability to make calls whatsoever, and they still probably would have sold millions. It's saddening (especially to people like myself who support Apple, but not

@yodaddy: None of you could get phones to drop bars? That means that no other phones in the world have issues, right?! Wow, who knew Apple fanboy logic could be applied to anything? "If I'm not experiencing it, then no one is!"

@-mpar-: Exactly. I'm an atheist, but this is absolutely moronic. Also, for the people complaining of being "forced" to be baptised, etc... uhh, what harm could that have possibly done to you? If you don't want to be Catholic, then don't be. I spent 13 years in private Catholic/Jesuit schools and I'm still atheist.

Ooh ooh, a massive issue with a major new smartphone release? So now we're going to see 100 articles a day and hear everyone complain about Moto-gate, right? Oh, silly me, this isn't an Apple product.

We hate organized religion so much, so we're going to organize as an anti-religion and get together to talk about how much we don't like getting together to talk about things! Oh man, why didn't I think of that one? Is it just me, or is the idea of "practicing atheism" the most ridiculous and self-contradictory thing

@twophrasebark: Uhh, didn't he do that right in the presentation when he showed their bazillion dollar testing facility? Either way, they're all fucked up, iPhone included. However, despite the issues, it's still the highest ranked smartphone out there.

@ortizlgnd4: Cool story, bro. You can't seriously believe the WP7 is going to compete with the iPhone 4's sales though. right? That's like saying Aston Martin rushed out the DBS to compete with a Hyundai Elantra.

Pro: Beats old Android system in tests.

@blyan: In elaboration, called my dad on his Droid from the company landline... his phone dropped the call four times in 15 minutes. That's more dropped calls in 1/4 of an hour than I've had in 3 weeks with my iPhone4. I know plenty of people have had different experiences, but out here at least, iPhone appears to

@sp00nix SHIFT_: I've at least sampled a little bit of everything, although I'm biased in that I work IT for an almost exclusively mac-oriented company (which makes syncing company data to my phone REALLY easy with iPhone). That being said, my dad's droid is a piece of shite, and my colleague's BB Bold is one of the

@Fossa: RIP GALLOPING GERTIE! Granted I was like negative-46 when that happened, but I still love the reference (I'm from Tacoma).