
Honest question with no snark intended... would you have been okay with TFA and TLJ if the original three weren’t in it? How would it be explained away that General Organa has nothing to do with continuing to fight the Empire/First Order or that Luke has nothing to do with the battle of good and evil? If Disney had

It did seem weird there would be two people with the same ability to hack into a Star Destroyer in the same place. And even weirder Finn and Rose bumped into the 2nd one by chance.

I am pretty sure I hated this movie. There were so many things in there that wasn’t Star Wars and didn’t feel like Star Wars. The Matrix Style slow motion ducking under the lightsaber, Luke brushing his shoulders off, the reach out and Luke ticking Rey with a leaf. The your mom joke. Leia’s Mary Poppins/Superman float

The administation is looking into the Bitcoin situation to find out why they aren’t personally making a stack of cash on it.


The NBA was a lot different back then, buddy! Neither of those guys had to or would ever have been asked to take on some of the duties of a point guard to create space for the other, because “creating space” wasn’t really a thing that was considered more valuable than just being able to mash the other team in the

There are three voice-overs from the OT as whispers to hear.

We’re living in the golden age of stripping right now.

Not surprising he’d use his brother in law as the fall guy here.

I read the entire NCAA complaint last night at my local Chili’s. Only took me about 30 seconds to finish AND clean up!

To expand on my initial intentionally brief observation:

One of the things that made Square such a cool technology for small businesses is that it relied on ubiquitous technology for its basic magstrip reader. Every single device Square could interface with has a headphone jack.

This meant that Square did not have to

I had about a 100 hours of Skyrim under my belt and was done, until I discovered the mod community. Now I’m done again but I’m at 630 hours. And I’ll be back in again when the Special Edition comes out. My question is: Has any other game been so incredibly friendly to and benefited by the mod community and with such a

I made the realization that it’s actually cheaper to buy a solid wood piece of furniture than a cheap IKEA item. Spent $1800 on a solid birch dinner table 11 years ago, use it every day, and it still looks brand new. In comparison we have two $500 IKEA end tables that are three years old, and they’re wobbly, the screw

Leia should have went with Han and watched him die. Then kicked some ass on the way home. Phasma could have easily showed officials some kind of elite trooper moves to justify her rank. A couple more kills or military fortitude could of brought her up to knocking on Bobba’s level. What if Maz was Lando’s sidekick? I