
Agreed, we don’t need a touch screen controller. Just another gimmick to spend more money on a barely use. 

I hope they don’t bring back the home button. Face ID works great and I love the swipe navigation.

I have a iPhone X and I definitely noticed muted colors especially on the lock screen after updating to iOS 12. Also I hate they moved the reachabilty gesture from the bottom right corner to the bar at the middle/ bottom on the screen. Already was used to the gesture and it is just extra reach for it. Not impressed

We love to put our boss in band photos we had customers believe that they were legitimate.

I’m sure the consumer will pay for these court battles. Greed

We have definitely hit peek cell phone. 5 years ago upgrades were exciting. We are still trying to hang onto that feeling and companies are still trying to cash in on it. But the updates are underwhelming and disappointing. The best feature of my iPhone X is the speakers. I had a iPhone 6 and the other upgrades are

It looks bad a$$ on my iPhone X

Why is A Porg riding in the Millennium Falcon? Why not?

All the haters on here are just Marvel fan boys. None of you could make anything even close to as good. You all are just on the negative hype train. Enjoy life sometime. You might have more fun.

I’m wearing my 2012 NCAA men’s basketball championship shirt right now. I wear it like 3 times a week. Louisville might have to give back their 2013 shirts.

Reminds me of The Day After Tomorrow

Don’t believe global warming cause this hurricane. Fear click bait.

He is going to be a bust. 76ers are cursed

This was one years salary in 2015

Looks like the top of Kentucky!

“Steph Curry in the clutch”