
Meanwhile by Churchill downs Louisville

Ouch. Too soon

Leia should have went with Han and watched him die. Then kicked some ass on the way home. Phasma could have easily showed officials some kind of elite trooper moves to justify her rank. A couple more kills or military fortitude could of brought her up to knocking on Bobba’s level. What if Maz was Lando’s sidekick? I

Basically the movie was awesome because it had “Star Wars” DNA.

Then you don't know shit about Kentucky.

At the speeds we can achieve now it would take 3000 years to get to the closest star. We are going to have to make something much faster. Probably at least half the speed of light to get anything done in a lifetime. 150 million miles per hour. At least.

The next closest star. If its 8 light years away we better blast one off soon so we can make it in my lifetime. But we need to send it at half the speed of light. 150 million miles an hour. Where is the warp speed? Then how long will it take to send a picture back? Probable more than 8 years. Oh well we had Pluto.

I bought a Xbox 360 from GameStop, then not long after get a red ring. Under warranty I took it back but decided to pay the difference for an Elite. Not one month later sure enough red ring. So I went into GameStop and demanded a play station 3. The poor manager getting yelled at by me had to call his regional for

It was just fine the 1st time. Waste of money.

Definitely not a problem for me especially with a case. Plus I got dust inside my 5 after a year so pictures would have tiny black marks. No problem with my 6 yet.

This says Retype is free but it is $2.99 at the App Store. Maybe I missed the deal?

AT&T has been screwing people since the 50’s. I once saw a client of theirs paying double long distance for years just because they didn’t call to check. Now it has carried over into the wireless market. They will never learn because of their greed. This is why I dumped them for T-Mobile last year.

I probably missed it. But is this going to be of FX or Fox?

BBN is used to this

Will we have to buy the playstation camera? Do they work together?

Yes photons but physics is incomplete so I'm just spitballing. Energy might have unseen ways to become dark energy. But we don't really know.

What if protons don't decay? Maybe they become dark energy and or are transformed/absorbed into our surroundings. Bleeding into our universe before it gets to our eyes. Since energy is neither created nor destroyed.

I heard he slapped his girlfriend.

I was a freshman when he was a senior at Eastern. I was on the freshman football team but we would work out and run with the varsity squad. Hazing was somewhat acceptable back then. I got tossed in a mud puddle by Rondel. I got to haze some freshman when I was a senior so no big deal. He was a beast on the field and