
Yes you do.

Wait! What? This wasn't cancelled? (a) It was obviously quality television. (b) It disappeared for like two months. I just put two and two together and assumed NBC had pulled the plug.

At the very least, people who voted for Trump decided—consciously or otherwise—that they didn't give a shit about blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims. That may not be racism, but it isn't not racism.

Is there some explanation of where they got all the snakes from? Not a lot of snakes in England, and even fewer venomous ones. Was that not the case 1500 years ago? Or did they import them especially for such occasions? (Were they the ones St Patrick supposedly drove out of Ireland, perhaps?)

It seems likely that "someone intelligent" would have inferred that Mr Drury intended to write "how old are you, seven?" If you failed to make that leap, I apologize. Likewise, if you have never made a typo or omission of your own while posting on a forum like this one.

I had not heard this. Presumably Myers' presence is designed to make all the other actors involved look better by comparison?

Rick Partfitt. RIP. Roll Over Lay Down, buddy.

Fuck. If that isn't just the perfect fucking end to a perfect fucking year.

I guess I am overly literal, or overly secular, or overly unimaginative, or something, but it's the one aspect of the show that irritates me the most. I don't mind that the people on the show are spiritual/superstitious — that seems historically accurate — but when their "visions" are treated as if WE should take them

I don't understand your problem. I mean, I understand that in an ideal world nothing would top bacon. But Carrie Fisher is a pretty gnarly old broad and you can't blame people for being concerned.

"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy."

This film has a woman and a minority in it. Does the will of the American people mean nothing. We just voted for Trump to put an end to this kind of liberal fascism. As a white man, I demand a safe space. Boycott Star Wars!


Ever fired your gun in the air and yelled, 'Aaaaaaah?'

Gruber is a master planner, McClane is a master improviser. That may be why I like the movie as much as I do.

He went full retard. You never go full retard.

This is a classic "your-mileage-may-vary" movie. Depends on your tolerance for bat shit craziness and mixing some very cool moments with some inexplicably bad choices.

I always remember this for its wildly divergent acting styles, from Rickman's over-the-top villainy to Costner's "Boy's Own" approach to characterization (and accent) to Morgan Freeman's embarrassment at being part of such a lame project, to Slater's Jack Nicholson-in-ye-olde-England thing. It was hilarious. Sound

Everything Jim Steinman ever wrote is so bursting with teenage hormones… but I guess it's not explicit. But are the others?

Seriously no "Bat Out Of Hell"? A parody of, a tribute to, and the epitome of the genre.