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The surge of pure joy I felt when I heard that Thatcher died—as if a giant light of goodness had been turned back on somewhere in the universe—will be as nothing to what I feel when this dude shuffles off this mortal coil.

Nobody thinks that. He boasted about it himself. They. Don't. Care.

And if people are tearing down statues of racist old white men who tried to destroy the United States, they're sure not going to be building any new ones to ol' 45.

James Woods ranting at a chair—Clint-style—would be a big ticket item, surely?

Is it just me, or has he become a bigger asshole as he got less talented? I mean, peak JW was Fast Walking and Salvador and Cop and Diggstown. And I don't remember him being a colossal dick back then. The James Woods of today would have rooted for the fascist junta in Salvador and the Bruce Dern character in Diggstown

Everything you say about 300 is true. But I can forgive most of it, because without it we would never have gotten Spartacus—the visual style, at least—and Spartacus rules.

Sarcastic. Obviously.

I had no idea any of the muppets even had last names.

If you can make that kind of impression after she's seen Dirk Diggler, I'm impressed. All I had to do was come off better than Harvey Keitel masturbating outside a car window.

My first date with my now-wife was "The Bad Lieutenant" (the original Abel Ferrara-Harvey Keitel one). So sure, why not?

Actually, at the risk of stating the obvious, "god-hating atheist" is an oxymoron. As an atheist, by definition I don't believe that there is a god. And you can't hate something that doesn't exist.

I know I do.

That sounds like new age mumbo jumbo, but if O'Reilly wants to give me the credit, I am happy to accept. Now to turn my psychic energies to the guy in the White House.

How is the answer to this question not Piers Morgan?

I saw this as an in-flight movie from London to JFK last week, and while that might not be the best way to see any film, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was funny and nasty in equal measure, and the performances — Army Hammer in particular — were surprisingly good. Low-budget fun.

I'm pretty sure Papa Roach doesn't get its O-face on fantasizing about taking healthcare coverage away from the children of poor people. So I am going to say Ryan just about edges it.

Saw the ad for this, which featured a gay panic joke so not only is it there, it's like the thing they are proudest of. Also, I always thought it was "analingus" rather than "anilingus" so I learned something from this review.

"When will most of the women on this show STOP wearing 1890s hairstyles in a show set in the 1850s?"

So this is not based on a Nicholas Sparks "novel"?