
Yes, that was the movie where I first saw him as a serious character actor with real depth. He and Viggo Mortensen were terrific together.

The myth would not be so enduring if the story was not so great. And in this version, Judas becomes one of the most compelling tragic figures in theater. Also, he gets the best tunes.

Ha. I was just about to suggest Josh Lucas for "Random Roles." Guess I missed that one. Thanks.

Lemmy came to a party at my house in Croydon in the mid 80s—one of his roadies rented a room from me (if by rented you mean lived in but never paid for)—and more than lived up to a gnarly reputation. There was an open fire, a quantity of marijuana, and a very stoned cat. RIP.

Gary Roberts, Australian Cop #1 and Heinrich.

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour? Nothing's over until we decide it is.

Sorry, but by just about any criterion — story, plotting, episode structure, dialogue, character development, believability — the worst episode of iZombie towers above the best episode of this season's The Good Wife.

I always thought "Holy Cow" was a superior title. Evil bitch.

The snobbery is strong in this one.

I walked out on the Michael Chiklis biopic of Belushi that was so bad I can't even be bothered to look up what it was called. And I wanted to walk out on Eyes Wide Shut but I was with my now-wife and I thought she was enjoying it. Turned out she hated it too, and only stayed because she thought I was enjoying it.

Needless to say, I misread that in the most inappropriate way possible the first time through. Though I maintain my misreading made just as much sense.

The Venn diagram of NPR and AV Club readers has a greater overlap than I would have anticipated.

So many words, when "irrelevant real estate mogul appears on irrelevant TV show" would have done.

You had me at "garters." Which actually was the end of the comment, so never mind.

Are you at all concerned by the giant female-lead sized hole at the center of the show? I ask as someone who is still watching Blacklist but who wants to scream at the TV every time Megan Boon shows up.

Grant is god, surely? Perhaps the audience is Satan?

What the fuck is goosebumps?

He was so good in "Simon of the Dead" though the title always seemed a bit odd to me.

I suspect that even at AV Club, writers have little or no control over headlines.

Ok… so I am just catching up with this show. When the review immediately after divorce was pancakes again, I completely lost it in a way I haven't in a long time. I don't know whether it was the absurdity coming on top of the awkwardness/sadness of the previous segment, but I found myself laughing every time I thought