
"the posh part of Yorkshire"

Is Ed Sheeran a person I am supposed to know?

Your heavy irony has no place here.

He is the Jai Courtney/Sam Worthington of television. Nothing is ever going to convince me that he a leading man.

The obvious question, based on this list: why are there no talented black character actors working in America today?

"Not long after breaking into film in The Big Lebowski… Tara Reid was one of the ill-fated sexy teens in 1998’s Urban Legend."

Well yes, it started like that. But you might expect it to quickly turn into a pretty clear three-way battle between enraged kids/civilians, cops, and zombies. Instead, it just seemed to be a lot of people milling around doing randomly riotous things. Nobody seemed to notice that there was someone eating a cop, for

Yes. Based on what they have seen (a little) and been told (nothing), there is no reason to believe that the "disease" they are witnessing is incurable. Under the circumstances, the idea of helping the infected get treatment—or at least not whacking them in the head with a hammer until their brains are splattered all

I saw Kate Bosworth in the cast list for this and thought to myself, "That's weird; doesn't she have a career?" Then I went to IMDB, and the answer is, "No. No, she doesn't." So, mystery solved.

Wait, what? Novelization?

The cantina scene in Star Wars. I was about 14 when the movie was released and I had never seen anything remotely like that on a screen before. At the time, it seemed if not utterly lifelike, at least sufficiently so for me to suspend any disbelief.

Rick? Really?

The 10 pages are not a waste of time, they communicate Bateman's obsession with the trite and superficial—it's hard to capture that obsession by just showing them. For me, the movie is nowhere near as funny as the book, but to each his (her) own.

the first movie my now-wife and I went to together was The Bad Lieutenant (original Harvey Keitel/Abel Ferrara version). Now there's a date movie.

This write up was an epiphany for me: the revelation that people who are good at FPS don't care about the story… I always viewed the shooting as something you had to do to advance the story. But the story was the game to me, and the game was the story. Then I started thinking about sports games… I play a lot of

That's like saying oak is more wooden than pine.

I feel like Kim Dickens fighting zombies is a missed opportunity. "A small, struggling western town unites against the encroaching undeaded hoarde…. its The Walking Deadwood."

I did not realize — before this movie — that Cavill and Hammer were different people. If they could have worked Jai Courtney and Sam Worthington in there too….

Bex, get on the phone with the folks at iZombie and find a way to bring Teresa back. You have to get out of Screan-hell now before it's too late.

The obvious solution is that one of us should travel back in time and kill Sarah Courtney—I am assuming that's her name—before her son is born.