
One day, someone is going to make a movie with both Jai Courtney and Sam Worthington in the same scene and the power of so much anti-charisma concentrated in one place will cause the destruction of the planet.

the world's smallest venn diagram

Leann and Buster? Which one changed the spelling in that instance?

Warning, may contain hair-like substance.

Hannibal -> The Following = Animal Farm -> Green Acres

If my wife and I had met in a "first date" situation, I suspect neither of us would have wanted a second date. We didn't hate each other, but neither of us felt "a connection" beyond the fact that we happened to be in the same office at the same time. Then we were in the same office at the same time for a while, and

I assume you have never seen The Following, which right there suggests you are a smarter and probably better person than I am. But when that show made a crazy plot twist, it was essentially the result of the writers going, "what would be the least probable thing for this character to do, based on his actions up to

I can't imagine two shows that have less in common than "Hannibal" and "The Following." Unless you think that "Unforgiven" and "My Little Pony" appeal to the same people because they both have horsies in them.

Yes, you can tell from the title "Dead Men Don't Pull Triggers" that the author was completely objective and adhered to the highest academic standards. There's no hint of any agenda there—it sounds thoroughly professional.

There are lots of movie conventions I would change, but the foreign accent thing is one of them. Either (a) have all the actors speak Russian and subtitle it or (b) have all the actors use their natural accents. Unless you actually believe people in Russia routinely speak to each other in English with Russian accents.

Actually, he is precisely "reinventing the wheel," the wheel that was invented by Carson and refined by Letterman,

Yes, I remember this one time Jonathan Ross made a prank phone call to Andrew Sachs and no one in the UK paid any attention at all—except for every national newspaper, TV news show, and MP in the country. Way to keep things in perspective, Brits.

Wild guess, but I suspect this comment was intended for the "ageing stars who should go full Neeson" in an action movie franchise.

In which case (a) what does it matter which toe and (b) can't you deduce which toe from your almost-complete skeleton?

This was exactly what Christians I know have said to me. I take it as evidence that their god is about as vile a construct as mankind has ever devised. If he existed, it would be the responsibity of every moral or ethical human being to oppose him at every opportunity.

I was with you until Majors.

Oh, it got much worse. Swagger ended up with a son-in-law (?) or something who appeared in a crappy Die Hard-in-a-shopping-mall pastiche that seemed to exist primarily as a conduit for Hunter to vent his quasi-racist anti-Obama spleen.

To be fair, it is not nearly as dire as The Da Vince Code. Yet. I guess it depends where it goes with the prophecy mumbo-jumbo.

Surely there is room on television for at least one show that is objectively pro-serial killer? Are you saying this important demographic should get no network love?