
I always worried that it would be 23 millions of people who have my data and me. Not that I think my DNA is actually worth anything, but it’s all I got.

That sounds Offal!

For those looking to evacuate the storm we think you should -Come on down to Chuckee Cheese!

The safest way to avoid the killer bees is to - Walmart’s having a Christmas sale! - and that is the only way to be safe! We will not be repeating these safety instructions.

Today it’s identifying bicycles, next week it’s identifying valid nuclear codes. They’re so cute at this age.

Then you are one of the few who have yet to be hit. Check reddit. Some(most) users are already locked out without turning off extensions/add-ons. With almost every browser/adblock combination having been tested.

It would be one thing to fix their advertising issues PRIOR to enforcing draconian measures against avoiding problematic ads. However the only thing they have done is increase the cost of their ad-free premium service.

Will I still be able to make calls if my neighbor invades? What if I’m supplying intelligence against my neighbor?

What if I share negative view points about the crown prince of Saudi Arabia? Will I be murdered if I use this service?

Pre-Air reviews aren’t the problem here. Bad TV shows made by people who don’t understand how to make a TV show are the problem.

The pilot doesn’t have to be filled to the brim with expensive one time use CGI effects. This isn’t 1980s animation. In fact most TV shows don’t have a lot of CGI in the pilot for this exact cost saving reason.

Reliance upon visual effects is a crutch, they use the effects to hide poor acting, bad filming, or poor

I’m pretty certain we heard this song and dance back when Marvel fumbled the “Our tv shows and movies are in the same universe” bag. I swear we hear it every time they change their TV executives. I hate that Marvel keeps firing head writers rather than letting them be show runners. I’m glad they realize it’s a problem

Some of yall waited years for Thrawn to be in live Action. Meanwhile Baylan is over here stealing the entire show.

Article was well written, Headline however is unforgivable click-bait.

Mutiny? Fuck all the way off.

We cut the cords, but did not break the systems and machines that created the cords in the first place.

See yall back on the ship.

Has anyone told Brian Sanderson yet? I hope he took the news well...

Sabine finding Ezra was... “super easy barely an inconvenience.” I’m sure someone decided they wanted to spend as little time on this as possible.

Didn’t hate it, just felt it was weak.

Respectfully, What’s the alternative? Have her take naps and have the Disney app spool up relevant episodes of Clone Wars as a type of flashback? Because we all LOVED that from Boba Fett.

I haven’t seen clone wars or rebels, If I got questions, I still have youtube.

Does google pay a Mile Per Hour Rate?

Woof, THIS got a second season?

The first season’s A-Plot was a young family’s failing marriage, while the B-Plot was a psychic boy fighting aliens. Not exactly a reese’s peanut butter cup. 90% A-Plot 10% B-Plot. Godzilla levels of actual alien invasion. Either give me more aliens or just reboot Married with Children.

They’re just roommates!” - Bandai

I’m not a fanatic, nor were my expectations sky high. I watched the show, and it went off a cliff. I’m just trying to understand how the crash happened.

I hope you’re viewing experience is better than mine.