Call me when there is a sexy soundwave... with functional boombox chest.
Call me when there is a sexy soundwave... with functional boombox chest.
Microsoft has made a mistake. Now that we know they are paying for preferential treatment on youtube, it will be hard to trust anything a youtube personality says that is positive about the system.
I'm not sure, with Machima's very recent issues between it's "influencers" getting shafted, why Microsoft thought this…
I thought google+ got most of the cave dwellers back when they worked on Google Caverns. I hear, next year, they are going to focus on homes under rocks, boulders, and other heavy things.
Two minute clip, yet it's mostly a shitty dub step gimmick?
Still waiting for a decent movie/tv show organization and maintenance software. These FLV files are stacking up.
When Final Fantasy games started getting sequels, prequels, and pursuits for more money, the jig was, is, and remains stiffly up.
To defeat this future threat we're going to need a guy with awesome stealth capabilities, the ability to hack anything with a "node", and the smallest inventory we can find.
Let's just hope he doesn't run into any outsourced super soldiers who also have abilities and infinite ammo/inventory space.
Grand Theft Auto Dad?
Well, I was going to watch this video, but then I heard that GD "fox say" song. Ugh.
*starts clock* Only 19+ more years to go till we get that Sim City apology!
For a free program I don't see the snake oil comparison. Although as a data nut I would love to see some research behind it.
Try it. Like Tommy P. said. Install it, and at night deactivate it when you're in a dark room. It's like turning on your own window to the sun.
I leave flux on all the time now. I look at…
I miss the old school days of TFC and Gamespy when multi-player was just a thing I logged into, now I'm staring at a city from above with only a spinning loading message to keep my interest for minutes or hours.
Yes. Let's give the psychopaths a beautiful world to paint with the blood of both innocent, and guilty. Seriously, if humanity were to be judged on GTA online players alone, this species is dooooooooooomed.
You have just achieved War Criminal! Please report to the Hague.
But what happens after I'm hanged? Do I respawn?
Q! for Sim City owners.
I can currently install the previous version of SC and play with out issue, but as it is common for game publishers to cull and eventually close down the online play for older games, and as this SC is purposely designed with mutli-player experience built in, do you think you will be able to play…
Yeah, My bad. We need XBX/PS3 and probably timezones.
already one up. search for Kotakrew on rockstar social.
My next thought after watching that clip.
I would like to join in on this. Will come back later with gamer tag/info.
Saint's Row 6: "Cousin, let's go bowling!"