
I just got Deus Ex HR and in learning the controls I checked the control menu, I searched for "Aim" or "zoom" and found nothing, upon recheck I found "Iron Sights." I thought it was a odd use of phrase ... Guess it's more popular than I thought.

Tiny penis that has GPS, can be used to talk to the coast guard, and other various tasks.

I assume using Blink for long distances in the overworld would cause my computer to meltdown.

A day may come when the courage of gamers fail, when we forsake our wallets and break all bonds of bill payments, but it is not this day. Our wallets are safe!

This is all well and good... but one day he's going to trade half the town for a gallon of ice cream.

Treat stinging/biting insects... With Fiery Death!

Skyrim Horse laughs at you automotive gravity issues

I understand the merit of necessary action, its necessary. My chief argument is that Snyder, the writer, etc went into this film most likely knowing that the only open territory was to have Superman kill. I think it's a petty gimmick.

Thus of course by the end of the film the character has no real choice in the matter.

The fact there is an entire movie about superman choosing not to kill people erodes most of your argument here. The comic it's from is a little over rated... but FFS. We are talking about the one guy in comic-dom that doesn't go around neck snapping.

But note that I could are less about anything during and after

I honestly think, that like 99% of every other stories, Supes would/should/could find another way. That's his schtick.

My problem inst that heroes kill people. I'm fine when the Punisher does his thing.

Superman flies them out of the way and then kicks Zod in the face. OR He just kicks him in the face, knocking the weak Zod out.

Instead he decided to break his neck. I'm sorry you only see it as a Either OR situation. I see it as a bad writing situation.

I'm unsure if murder is the "realistic" choice in a ambiguous moral situation, and I hope to never be placed in such difficult situations. And maybe it would be a cop out to see a super hero come up with some way to prevent harm and allow the villain to live....

If I were the director, I wouldn't have the film go in some kind of Kobayashi Maru BS just to show the growth of a character.

The writer placed the hero in a scenario that would justify murder.

Superman killing people is a bad gimmick, and in turn makes the movie in my opinion a bad movie, but worse a poor example of a great hero.

Spend half the movie trying to make him a Christ figure. Give him countless chances to prove his character as a hero. Only to watch in the end as he steps down from the role and snap a neck.

It's gotten worse in the new Superman: Unbound.

Where are the Petunias? And why are they falling again?

Infinite vagina sounds like a cheat code. ... Off to find my game genie.

Guess they will rename it "Tornado Found" or "Tornado Rematch?"