In exchange for a parade in 2016 that everyone not a White Sox fan loved
In exchange for a parade in 2016 that everyone not a White Sox fan loved
He’ll be fine, Denver's the perfect place to spark up a Bol.
I actually believe St. Louis style wine is an unrefrigerated bottle of Sunny D.
That’s “wives,” Russ.
Maybe I’m missing something because it’s Monday and this heatwave is killing my equilibrium, but I understood the comment to be sarcastic.
Oh, hey Hue. Welcome to Deadspin.
What’s worse is that this highlight appeared exactly the same on every Sinclair station.
During the Olympics, it’s nonstop swimming and gymnastics on NBC. They take great lengths to ensure there are plenty of puff pieces to televise about the swimmers and gymnasts.
We see the athletes at home, training at their club, with their coaches, at school, with their friends, with their trainers, etc.
So, I ask:…
I’d hand the whole organisation over to a panel of former gymnasts, like Aly Raisman. They’re about the only people who could regain everyone’s trust.
The police have nothing to go on.
Who really needs to hear “My Hero” again? Anyone?
Am I the only one who blinks a bit at seeing the victim described as an “old man”? I mean, he looks to be about my age and that’s totally not old!
The NFL season kicks off tonight, and with the return of real football comes the start of the fantasy football…
Wow, Oakland can’t even keep their Civil Rights attorneys from heading to Vegas.
And those nails just keep deflating.
Black Sabbath “Master of Reality.” Still stands as probably the heaviest record ever. It’s also probably the most influential metal record of all time. Without this the metal landscape would be completely different. We owe these guys a lot.
Black Sabbath “Master of Reality.” Still stands as probably the heaviest record ever. It’s also probably the most…
Volumes have been written about Dark Side of the Moon. Anything I could possibly add has already been said by more qualified people, but I will add this: This album belongs in any vinyl collection, like you should have a bottle opener in your house. Sure, you could get by without it, but the best beers aren’t…
Volumes have been written about Dark Side of the Moon. Anything I could possibly add has already been said by more…
Jeff Francouer has also been the victim of a career long prank where he believes every pitch is a strike