
Also, in other fun news!

I need a legit flow chart of everything Trump / the Government is doing wrong, updated by the hour.

Does anyone want to turn this into a website with me?

Re: #4: That’s an Irish Wolfhound! We have one named Freya, and here are some pictures of her because you all deserve them:

They straight up live next door to Tiffany’s. This is the equivalent of me handing Barack a gift from my bodega.

Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.

Oh god I originally read this as you would be dead and not like, flying in an airplane, which is why you would be there in spirit.

Don’t be silly.

Again I say, not everyone who voted for Trump is a racist (or a misogynist) but every single one decided it wasn’t a deal breaker. Every. Single. One.

Off topic: Yo-Yo Ma always looks like he is having the time of his life. Like despite the fact that he is one of the most talented people in the world, he is just happy to be wherever he is. I swear that man is made out of sunshine and rainbows.

(Translation of the above)

I have a metric by which I measure my sobriety. If I ever find myself rocking out and really enjoying Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down I immediately cut myself off.

Well, You’ll just have to wait for Trump’s grand “golden” finale.

Canada doesn’t exist bro. Haven’t you heard?

It’s going to be the best event ever. Very classy

theres something inherently masturbatory about manipulating parts of your body with someone else in mind.

It’s a major victory for the porn industry that pornography is seen as normal and something “all guys use.” At the same time there is also this stigma of shame and condemnation, almost exclusively directed at the actresses.