
When it’s 33 here we don’t even bother with winter coats. A fleece-lined hoodie will do. :D It’s -6 right now and I was outside in leggings and a hoodie putting up Christmas decor. Now I didn’t want to be out there for long. But it was somewhat tolerable. -30s and 40s though...I don’t much care for that. I’ll maybe

I don’t want to Northsplain to you, Anna, but you have to rent a snowmobile. 

I think he and Mariah are Tanak-inboots

Happy Black Friday, peeps! I’m having my 4 year old nephew over tomorrow to celebrate his b-day and I made butternut squash and rosemary soup, which he loves and he says it makes him “shake like a party dress”. I have no clue what that means or where he got that from but it cracks me up and he legit eats 3 bowls of it

This needs to be up at the top.

Oh, and y’all concern trolls can take your cries of “hypocrisy” and see if they protect you when Trump’s brownshirts have you up against the wall. Like, really, save it. People out here trying every legal way to prevent fascism and you’re tone policing and concern trolling about “optics.”

Dear HRC: I keep thinking about that scene in The Abyss. You know the one where Ed Harris brings Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio back to life and, between bouts of CPR, he yells, “Goddammit, you bitch! You never backed away from anything in your life! Now fight!”? And she comes roaring back to life?

Upon hearing the news, the president elect scratched a name off his list of potential cabinet members and muttered, “dammit”.

Okay, let me say before I say anything else that I speak solely for my own half-Native self and nobody else. And this is just how I feel, personally.

I’m in Canada, too. I worry about if abortion ultimately becomes illegal in the USA (officially via SCOTUS, or unofficially due to numerous, ridiculous TRAP laws). I’ve been thinking: is there any barrier at the border to anyone wanting an abortion coming to Canada to have the procedure done? I know we have legal

I have zero doubt that he would seriously love to have Ivanka all to himself. His dream is probably if she is widowed and never remarries and he can “comfort” her all of the rest of his days. He is completely in love with her...because she’s part him. Blech.


This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck

I did not think it was possible for me to hate someone more than I hate Ann Coulter, but I’ve reached that point with this haggard, facially-melting excuse for a human being.

Of course it won’t happen overnight. And the culture of slackerism that has infiltrated journalism will still be around. But as Trump and his enablers continue to extend their tentacles, I don’t doubt that there’s going to be a corps of “troublemakers” who will delight in doing a little disrupting in the next few

Yes, this is what happened here in Canada under Dear Leader Harper. Would never do press Q&A’s, pretty much dismantled the Press Office. Thank god we have JT!

Remember when the Democratic president made FOX news illegal? Me neither.

Which of my freedoms was Hillary promising to restrict?

Fuck CNN

So does this mean he’s going to get crucified sometime soon?