
Looking at the should all be a LOT more outraged by this. Freedom of the Press is effectively the most important mechanism for keeping elected leaders & governments in check. Once this is tampered with in ANY way, you are in a downward spiral, and the death knell of democracy is not far away.

So in other words, he is telling them how to report on him in the future and they agreed?

Never cross the Rubicon People. They’ve been known to retaliate

Um, there’s a reason they are called “sweatshops”

I don’t care what they say, ignorance truly is bliss if you do it right.

“While we’re out here throwing “direct shade,” I think I’ll enjoy a nice bowl of piping hot ice cream, followed by a refreshing bone-dry shower and call up the president-elect for a bit of moral guidance.”

I think my mouth does care; the texture is off and the flavor is not quite the same (dullness), but glad to know it isn’t completely lost for baking.

I recommend something with a nice white hood.

We have to get rid of this guy. I posted a link a few comments back showing that Clinton won (exit polls) 4 states including Florida and North Carolina, but that the machines were likely tampered with and changed the votes. We can try to use petitions to flip the electorates but we really need to investigate if there

Obligatory seconding

Obligatory comment petitioning for revival of I Thee Dread.

The Polar Bears need to check their white privilege and get consent before they start rubbing up on bitches that are just trying to relax.

Call your senators and reps in the house. Complain to as many elected officials as you can. And get your friends and family to do so too. Keep the pressure on them.

I am getting such a rush of... I don’t think it’s quite schadenfreude, but it’s something. This man (and his son) don’t even trust their own wives to vote for him. I may not know what to call it, but it is delicious.

But oh man, having the time and money to spend three hours at the gym everyday with a personal trainer?

Hi Jezzies! Sorry to post this here on SNS, but it must be done.

With all the Trump coverage, I forgot how cool it is to have an adult president.

Conservatism: Pushing back against objective reality since St Ronald of Reagan descended from capitalist heaven in the year of our lord, nineteen hundred and eighty.